(3)Remove nuts (4) and washers (2).Remove shock mounts from frame (5).(4)Remove adaptor (13) from pressureswitch (14). Unscrew and removemounting nut and washer securingpressure switch to box and removepressure switch (14). When damagedonly, remove the two lug terminals (15)from pressure switch leads.(5)Remove tubing elbow (16) and connector(17) from solenoid valve (19) only whenreplacement is required, or repair tosolenoid (19) is required. Remove thecorner screw holding box inner panel andground leads from solenoid valve (19) andsafety relay (22). Remove diodesubassembly (21) from box. Unscrew andremove connector (18) and withdrawsolenoid valve (19) from mounting hole.(6)Only when necessary, remove terminallugs (20) from solenoid switch (19) leads.(7)Remove the remaining three screwsattaching box inner panel in place. Lift thepanel from the box and remove nut (26),lock washer (27), and screw (28) whichattach the safety relay (29) to the boxpanel. Only when damaged, unsolder andremove wire assemblies (22, 20 and 25)and wire lead (23) from control relay (29).(8)To avoid losing parts until ready toassemble, attach lower inner panel inplace in the control box assembly (30) withthe four corner screws removed duringdisassembly.b.Cleaning. Refer to paragraph 6-3.a for generalcleaning instructions.(1)Clean components with trichloroethane,per Federal Specification O-T-620, orequivalent.(2)Allow parts to dry thoroughly beforeattempting to operate the equipment.c.Inspection. Refer to paragraph 6-3.b for generalinspection instructions.(1)Test solenoid valve as follows: (a) Usinga multimeter, check for continuity acrosscoil of the solenoid valve. Meter shouldindicate zero (0) ohms.(b)Connect solenoid valve coil leads across theterminals of a 12 volt DC power source. A metallic clickindicates the solenoid valve is operating properly.(2)Test pressure switch as follows:(a)Install pressure switch to be tested in test setupshown in Figure 6-10 or equivalent.NOTEThe test setup shall incorporate amaster pressure gauge of knownaccuracy together with suitable pressureregulating and controlling apparatus.The C lead is common, NO lead isnormally open, and the NC lead isnormally closed.(b)Adjust pressure source until pressure gaugeindicates 3,300 psig (22,754 KPa).(c)Slowly increase pressure until lamp Alights.Lamp B shall light between 3,250 (22,392 KPa) and3,350 psig (23,081 KPa).Figure 6-10. Pressure Switch Test Setup6-38
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