TM 1-4920-924-13&P
4. In-depth troubleshooting and diagnosis of airframe and component malfunctions.
5. Repairs airframes and LRU component.
6. Fixes night vision systems, aviation life support systems, aviation electrical and hydraulic components.
7. Limited capability to fabricate hydraulic lines.
8. Repairs engines, prop and rotors, armament, and armament subsystems.
9. Fixes and fuels organic battalion equipment, ground aviation vehicles, and aviation ground support
10. Operates and performs ield maintenance on aviation ground power units, generator, and ground support
11. Battle damage assessment and repair (BDAR).
12. Production control and quality control.
13. Test Pilot functions.
3. Theater Aviation Sustainment Maintenance Group (TASMG)
in deployment and redeployment, provides technical assistance, supports increased operational tempo, sustains
Army aviation across the entire spectrum of operations. The TASMG:
1. Provides support to CONUS deploying forces.
2. Provides support to OCUNUS deployed forces.
3. OCONUS aviation maintenance support for contingency and stability and/or support operations.
4. Expands aviation maintenance capabilities of CONUS depots.
5. Classiies and inspects aviation stocks and components.
8. Backup ASB and AMC maintenance functions.
Use Of The MAC
Approved item names are used throughout this MAC. Generic terms/ nomenclature (if any) are
expressed in parentheses and are not to be considered as oficial terminology.
This MAC assigns maintenance functions to the lowest level of maintenance, based on past experience and the
following considerations:
Skills available.
Work time required.
Tools and test equipment required and/or available.
Only the lowest level of maintenance authorized to perform a maintenance function is indicated. If the lowest
maintenance level cannot perform all tasks of any single maintenance function (e.g., test, repair), then the higher
maintenance level(s) that can accomplish additional tasks will also be indicated.
A maintenance function assigned to a maintenance level will automatically be authorized to be performed at
any higher maintenance level.
A maintenance function that cannot be performed at the assigned level of maintenance for any reason may be
evacuated to the next higher maintenance level. Higher maintenance levels will perform the maintenance functions
of lower maintenance levels when required by the commander who has the authority to direct such tasking.
The assignment of a maintenance function will not be construed as authorization to carry the related repair parts or
spares in stock. Information to requisition or otherwise secure the necessary repair parts will be as speciied in