Disregard of the warnings below will be hazardous to your health and life.
Oxygen clean all parts prior to installing in an oxygen system.
Do not allow oxygen system to become contaminated. If there is the least doubt
that the oxygen section of the Type II Servicing Unit is not clean, do not use the
system until it has been recleaned
Do not interchange Air and Oxygen Parts
Do not use a petroleum base cleaning agent on any part of an oxygen system
Do not allow any fire or smoking within the area of the oxygen use or storage.
Post NO SMOKING/NO FIRE signs during the period the oxygen system is being
charged, stored or in use
Fire suppression equipment of the proper size and type shall be Immediately
available during use, movement, or storage of charged oxygen equipment
High pressure air or oxygen is dangerous, do not direct air or oxygen stream
toward body Serious injury or death may result from high pressure gas entering
the skin
Do not operate the Type I or Type II Servicing Units without first making sure that
the proper cartridges are installed In the purification cylinders. Insure the
cartridges are not contaminated
Inspect the Service Units flex servicing hoses and yoke adapters before and after
each use
Do Not disconnect ANY service hose (flex line) without first making sure no
pressure Is In the line
a/(b Blank)