Chapter 1. INTRODUCTION - TM-5-4940-200-120024Figure 1. Shop set, right rear, three-quarter view, with shipping dimensions.Figure 2. Shop set, left front, three-quarter view, with shipping dimensions.Table I. Contents of Shop SetTable I. Contents of Shop Set - continued - TM-5-4940-200-120028Table I. Contents of Shop Set - continued - TM-5-4940-200-120029Table I. Contents of Shop Set - continued - TM-5-4940-200-120030Table I. Contents of Shop Set - continued - TM-5-4940-200-120031Table I. Contents of Shop Set - continued - TM-5-4940-200-120032Table I. Contents of Shop Set - continued - TM-5-4940-200-120033Table I. Contents of Shop Set - continued - TM-5-4940-200-120034Table I. Contents of Shop Set - continued - TM-5-4940-200-120035Table I. Contents of Shop Set - continued - TM-5-4940-200-120036Table I. Contents of Shop Set - continued - TM-5-4940-200-120037Identification and Tabulated DataDifference in ModelsChapter 2. INSTALLATION AND OPERATION INSTRUCTIONSSection Il. MOVEMENT TO A NEW WORKSITEFigure 8. Controls and instruments, Model SECM.Figure 8. Controls and instruments, Model SECM - continued - TM-5-4940-200-120043Figure 8. Controls and instruments, Model SECM - continued - TM-5-4940-200-120044Figure 9. Controls and instruments, Model CMU-5.Figure 9. Controls and instruments, Model CMU-5 - continued - TM-5-4940-200-120046Figure 9. Controls and instruments, Model CMU-5 - continued - TM-5-4940-200-120047Section IV. OPERATION OF EQUIPMENTOperation in Dusty or Sandy AreasFigure 10. Starting the generator-welder, power takeoff drive.Figure 10. Starting the generator-welder, power takeoff drive - continuedFigure 10. Starting the generator-welder, power takeoff drive. - continuedFigure 11. Starting the generator-welder, electric drive.Figure 11. Starting the generator-welder, electric drive - continuedFigure 12. Slopping the generator-welder, power takeoff driveFigure 14. Operation of generator-welder as an are welder.Figure 16. Operation of the generator-welder as a remote controlled arc welder.Figure 16. Operation of the generator-welder us a battery ChargerFigure 17. Operation of the generator-welder as an alternating current generator.Figure 18. Operation of the generator-welder as a source of starting current.Section V. OPERATION OF AUXILIARY MATERIEL USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE SHOP SETChapter 3. OPERATING AND ORGANIZATIONAL MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSFigure 19. Lubrication order, LO 5-4940-200-12.Figure 19. Lubrication order, LO 5-4940-200-12 - continued - TM-5-4940-200-120064Figure 19. Lubrication order, LO 5-4940-200-12 - continued - TM-5-4940-200-120065Section III. PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE SERVICESFigure 20. Daily preventive maintenance services.Figure 20. Daily preventive maintenance services. - continued - TM-5-4940-200-120068Figure 20. Daily preventive maintenance services. - continued - TM-5-4940-200-120069Figure 21. Quarterly preventive maintenance services.Figure 21. Quarterly preventive maintenance services - continued - TM-5-4940-200-120071Figure 21. Quarterly preventive maintenance services - continued - TM-5-4940-200-120072Figure 21. Quarterly preventive maintenance services - continued - TM-5-4940-200-120073Section IV. OPERATOR'S MAINTENANCEFigure 25. Turn signal lamps, Model CMU-5, removal and installation.Section V. TROUBLESHOOTINGSection VI. RADIO INTERFERENCE SUPPRESSIONFigure 26. Radio interference suppression components, removal and installationSection VII. POWER TAKEOFF AND DECLUTCHERFigure 27. Declutcher lever and linkage, removal and installation.Figure 27. Declutcher lever and linkage, removal and installation - continuedFigure 28. Declutcher lever linkage, adjustment.Figure 29. Power takeoff access door and guard, removal and installation.Figure 30. Power takeoff linkage, Model SECM, removal and installation,Figure 31. Power takeoff linkage, Model CM U-5, removal and installation.Figure 32. Power takeoff clutch adjustment.General - TM-5-4940-200-120087Figure 33. Governor, removal and installation.Figure 34. Governor linkage, disassembly and reassembly.Figure 35. Govenor, adjustment.Figure 98. Governor adapter drive V-belt, adjustment.Figure 40. Throttle control linkage, removal and installation.Section IX. ELECTRICAL CONTROLSFigure 42. Electric brake leek switch, Model CMU5, removal and installation.Figure 44. Slave receptacle and slave cable assembly, removal and installationFigure 45. Overspeed relay assembly, Model SECM, Removal and InstallationFigure 46. Resistor, auxiliary relay switch, overspeed relay switch and bracket, Model CMU-5, removal and installation.Section X. GENERATOR-WELDERFigure 48. Generator-welder V-belts, adjustment.Figure 50. Generator-welder top cover and lifting eye, Model CMU05, removal and installation.Cleaning and Inspection. - TM-5-4940-200-120101Figure 63. End wrappers, shaft guard, and end cover, Model SECM, removal and installation.End Wrappers, Shaft Guard, and End CoverSection Xl. AIR COMPRESSORFigure 57. Compressor head, disassembly and reassemblyFigure 58. Compressor housing and motor, removal and installation.Section X11. SHOP SET BODYHinge Moulding and SealCleaning and Inspection. - TM-5-4940-200-120109Spring Shackle Access Plate Rear Door Mounting AngleFigure 65. Rear door mounting angle, war door retaining bracket, and worklight brackets, removal and installation.Figure 66. Hinged roof panel latch and door striker plates, removal and installation.Figure 67. Tailgate and tailgate latch, removal and installation.Figure 68. Tailgate and tailgate latch, disassembly and reassembly.Figure 69. Lifting access door, removal and installation.Figure 71. Oxygen cylinder retaining plate and bracket, hanger clip, and hanger bracket, removal and installation.Figure 72, Oxygen cylinder rack, removal and installation.Figure 73. Gage compartment door, door stop bracket, and fitting drawer lockbar, Model SECM, removal and installation.Control Panel ScreenToolbox SupportsFront Glass and GrommetFigure 78. Fuel tank filler tube, removal and installation.Rear Turn Signal Lamp Assemblies, Model CMU-5Figure 81. Taillight bracket, removal and installation.Figure 82, Front turn signal lamp amemblies, Model CMU-5, removal and installation.Figure 84. Rear turn signal lamp assemblies, Model CMU-6, removal and installation.Figure 85. Rear turn signal lamp assemblies, Model CMU-5, disassembly and reassembly.Figure 86. Directional light control and flasher, Model CMU-5, removal and installation.Figure 87. Directional light control, model CMU-5, disassembly and reassemblyChapter 4. DEMOLITION OF MATERIEL TO PREVENT ENEMY USEFigure 88. Placement of charges,Chapter 5. SHIPMENT AND LIMITED STORAGESection Il. LIMITED STORAGEAppendix I. REFERENCES - TM-5-4940-200-120135Appendix I. REFERENCES - continued - TM-5-4940-200-120136Appendix II. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHARTSection II. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART - TM-5-4940-200-120138Section II. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART - continued - TM-5-4940-200-120139Section II. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART - continued - TM-5-4940-200-120140Section II. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART - continued - TM-5-4940-200-120141Section II. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART - continued - TM-5-4940-200-120142Section II. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART - continued - TM-5-4940-200-120143Section II. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART - continued - TM-5-4940-200-120144Section II. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART - continued - TM-5-4940-200-120145Section II. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART - continued - TM-5-4940-200-120146Appendix III. BASIC ISSUE ITEMS LIST AND MAINTENANCE AND OPERATING SUPPLIESSection II. BASIC ISSUE ITEMS LISTSection II. BASIC ISSUE ITEMS LIST - continuedSection III. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATING SUPPLIESTM-5-4940-200-12 Shop Equipment Contact Maintenance Truck Mounted Set No 3 (Southwest Model SECM) FSN 4940-294-9518 Manual