Chapter 1. INTRODUCTION - TM-55-4920-213-150007Section Il. DESCRIPTION AND DATAFigure 1. Shop set C-4, Sheet Metal.Figure 2. Identification plates, Shop Set C-4.Chapter 2. OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS (OPERATOR]Section III. OPERATION UNDER USUAL CONDITIONS - TM-55-4920-213-150012Section IV. OPERATION OF ONE UNIT IN CONJUNCTION WITH ANOTHER ACCESSORY OR AUXILIARY - TM-55-4920-213-150013Section V. OPERATION UNDER UNUSUAL CONDITIONS - TM-55-4920-213-150014Operation in Extreme Hot Weather Conditions - TM-55-4920-213-150015Operation at High Altitudes - TM-55-4920-213-150016Chapter 3. MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS (OPERATOR) - TM-55-4920-213-150017After Operation Service.Section IV. TROUBLESHOOTING - TM-55-4920-213-150019Section V. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM - TM-55-4920-213-150020Figure 8. Wiring diagram, Shop Set C-4Section VI. PNEUMATIC SYSTEM - TM-55-4920-213-150022Figure 11. Air line layout, top viewFigure 12. Air line layout, side viewFigure 13. Quick disconnect fitting, compresseor tank.Figure 15. Separator mounting bracketFigure 17. Air line mounting, floor. - TM-55-4920-213-150027Lines and ConnectorsSection VII. UTILITY SYSTEM - TM-55-4920-213-150029Figure 23. Floor plan, Shop Set C4, right side view.Figure 24. Wall mounted equipment, Shop Set C-4.Chapter 4. SHIPMENT AND LIMITED STORAGE AND DEMOLITION TO PREVENT ENEMY USE (OPERATOR) - TM-55-4920-213-150033Section Ill. DEMOLITION TO PREVENT ENEMY USEDestruction by Gunfire - TM-55-4920-213-150035Chapter 5. OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS [SECOND ECHELON)Section Ill. OPERATION UNDER USUAL CONDITIONSFigure 28. Opening folding shop sides, step I.Figure 30. Opening folding shop sides, step III.Section IV. OPERATION OF ONE UNIT IN CONJUNCTION WITH ANOTHER ACCESSARY OR AUXILIARYFigure 32. Canvas sidewalls installation.Chapter 6. MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS (SECOND ECHELON) - TM-55-4920-213-150043Section IV. TROUBLESHOOTING - TM-55-4920-213-150044Section V. RADIO INTERFERENCE SUPPRESSION - TM-55-4920-213-150045Section VII. PNEUMATIC SYSTEM - TM-55-4920-213-150046Chapter 7. SHIPMENT AND LIMITED STORAGE (SECOND ECHELON) - TM-55-4920-213-150047Section Ill. LIMITED STORAGEChapter 8. OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS (FIELD AND DEPOT MAINTENANCE) - TM-55-4920-213-150049Installation - TM-55-4920-213-150050Figure 33. Typical bench mounting, utility grinding machine.Figure 34. Typical bench mounting, machinist's vise.Figure 36. Stake holder plate, location.Figure 39. Strap, bolted type.Figure 42. Strap, Loop TypeFigure 45. Shear machine mounting.Figure 46. Mounting plates, shear machine.Figure 47. Pan Underneath shear machineFigure 48. Installation of mounting plate, brake machine.Figure 50. Mounting plates, brake machine.Figure 51. Pan underneath brake machineFigure 58. Shrinker pedal chain and ring.Figure 55. Typical mounting method, shrinking and stretching machine.Figure 56. Details, Compressor mountingFigure 58. Mounting bracket, compressor tank.Figure 60. Mounting adjacent cabinets.Chapter 9. MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS (FIELD AND DEPOT MAINTENANCE) - TM-55-4920-213-150067Figure 62. Typical cabinet side, type I.Figure 63. Typical cabinet top, type 1Figure 64. Typical Cabinet bottom, type IFigure 65. Typical cabinet bottom, corner Guest, type I.Figure 67. Typical cabinet center support, type IFigure 68. Typical cabinet top gusset, type I.Figure 70. Typical cabinet guard support, type II.Figure 72. Typical cabinet steel shelf, top view.Figure 74. Typical cabinet steel shelf, and view.Figure 75. Typical cabinet steel guard, typeFigure 76. Typical cabinet side, type III.Figure 77. Front view, cabinet, type III.Figure 78. Rear view, cabinet, type III.Figure 79. Top view, cabinet, type IIIFigure 80. Bottom view, cabinet, type III.Figure 81. Open bin shelf, type III, front view.Figure 82. Open bin shelf, type III, top and side view.Section IV. TROUBLESHOOTING - TM-55-4920-213-150085Section VI. PNEUMATIC SYSTEM - TM-55-4920-213-150086Table I. Operator daily service - TM-55-4920-213-150087Table II. Preventive Maintenance Services - TM-55-4920-213-150088Table II. Preventive Maintenance Services - TM-55-4920-213-150089Table II. Preventive Maintenance Services - continued - TM-55-4920-213-150090Appendix I. REFERENCES - TM-55-4920-213-150091Appendix II. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION - TM-55-4920-213-150093MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART - TM-55-4920-213-150094TM-55-4920-213-15 Shop Set Aircraft Maintenance Semitrailer Mounted Set C-4 Sheet Metal Manual