of the new flash tube. Insert blade of screwdriver
m open slot on right side of gold plated lamp extru-
sion (9) end twist gently to open clamp. Grasp flash
tube V1201 (8) with fingers on metal end of tube and
slide straight out of clamp. Remove tube clip (7)
from end of tube by inserting blade of small screw-
driver between clip end metal end of tube. Do not
attempt to twist tube free of clamp.
4-32. Assembly of Strobex. Install a new flash tube in the
Strobex as follows:
Clean reflector with a lint-free cloth dampened with
a mild detergent and water solution. Wipe dry with a
clean lint-free cloth.
Avoid touching glass envelope of flash
tube with fingers. Body oils from finger-
prints will cause etching of the glass when
hot, resulting in fracture of glass.
Connect tube clip (7) to small end of replacement
flash tube V1201 (8). Hold the clip between the
fore and middle fingers and with the thumb, press
the small metal end of the flash tube into the clip.
With a screwdriver, spread lamp extrusion (9). Hold
metal end of tube with clamp attached and push
large end of tube into tube clamp. Slide new tube
into clamp the same distance as old tube to facili-
tate focusing. Be sure the trigger wire, on flash tube,
is passed between the contact areas of the tube
TM 55-4920-402-13&P
clamp, so that the trigger wire is not pinched between
the clamp and tube.
If tube clamp has been spread so that it
no longer grabs the tube securely, adjust
clamp tension with pliers (without tube
in clamp).
Use a soft lint-free cloth to wipe flash tube and re-
flector clean of fingerprints and dust.
Focus flash tube in accordance with paragraph 3-10 c.
Secure rear cover (1) with six screws (2), flatwashers
(3), and lockwashers (4).
Thermal stress will cause the clear plastic
lens (5) to break if nuts are tightened
against it.
Install clear plastic lens (5) with four locknuts (6).
Tighten until nut contacts lens and then turn back
one-quarter turn.
Dissembly of Tester. Removal and replacement of
components is not authorized at this maintenance level.
4-34. Cleaning. Clean the components of the VIBREX
whenever inspection indicates it is needed. Clean outside
surfaces with a cloth dampened with a solution of mild
detergent and water. Wipe dry with a clean cloth.
4-17/(4-18 blank)