TM 9-243
TYPES AND USES - Continued
The adz is a chopping tool used for chopping and
smoothing lumber or logs where a great deal of wood or
bark is to be removed. The adz is a form of ax where the
edge of the blade is at a right angle to the handle. It has a
curved steel head attached to a curved handle.
The timber wedge is used with a sledge, primarily to
split logs and timber. When sawing timber or thick
lumber, it may also be used to spread the cut so the saw
will not bind. The timber wedge is a steel tool
resembling a slender single-bit ax head. One end is
slightly fan-shaped and sharpened to a dull edge. The
other end is flat where a sledge can strike when driving
the wedge into a log.
1. Never use any tool that is defective.
2. Always wear eye protection when working where
flying particles may injure the eyes.
3. Do not use dull or defective tools.
4. Before swinging a tool, be sure no one is close
enough to be injured.
5. Do not use a tool not designed for the job. It can be
6. Before using an ax, clean the work area of material
that might deflect the ax blade.
7. Keep arms, legs, and feet out of path of ax.