Chapter 1. INTRODUCTION - TM-9-4940-421-140008Figure 1-2. Shop set, left front 3/4 view.TABULATED DATA. - TM-9-4940-421-140010Chapter 2. OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS - TM-9-4940-421-140011Figure 2-1. Control and InstrumentsFigure 2-2. Air compressor drive motor controls, air receiver tank pressure gage and pressure switchSTARTING THE ENGINE.Section II. OPERATING UNDER UNUSUAL CONDITIONSChapter 3. OPERATOR/CREW MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS - TM-9-4940-421-140016PMCS PROCEDURESTable 3-2. Operator/Crew Preventive Maintenance Checks and ServicesTable 3-2. Operator/Crew Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services - continued - TM-9-4940-421-140019Table 3-2. Operator/Crew Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services - continued - TM-9-4940-421-140020Table 3-2. Operator/Crew Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services - continued - TM-9-4940-421-140021Table 3-2. Operator/Crew Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services - continued - TM-9-4940-421-140022Table 3-2. Operator/Crew Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services - continued - TM-9-4940-421-140023Table 3-2. Operator/Crew Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services - continued - TM-9-4940-421-140024Section III. TROUBLESHOOTINGENGINE AIR CLEANER.Table 3-3. TROUBLESHOOTINGTable 3-3. TROUBLESHOOTING - continuedCRANKCASE BREATHER FILTERChapter 4. O R G A N I Z A T I O N A L MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSSection V. ORGANIZATIONAL PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICESTable 4-1. Organizational Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (cont) - TM-9-4940-421-140032Table 4-1. Organizational Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (cont) - TM-9-4940-421-140033Table 4-1. Organizational Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (cont) - TM-9-4940-421-140034Table 4-1. Organizational Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (cont) - TM-9-4940-421-140035Table 4-1. Organizational Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (cont) - TM-9-4940-421-140036Section VI. TROUBLESHOOTING - TM-9-4940-421-140037Section VIII. MAINTENANCE OF ENGINE FUEL SYSTEMSection IX. MAINTENANCE OF IGNITION COMPONENTSDISTRIBUTOR ASSEMBLYIGNITION COILSection X. MAINTENANCE OF ENGINE ELECTRICAL SYSTEMFigure 4-6. Battery removal and installation.Section Xl. MAINTENANCE OF ENGINE LUBRICATION SYSTEMFigure 4-8. Oil filter assembly, removal and installation.Section XII. MAINTENANCE OF ENGINE GOVERNORSection XIII. MAINTENANCE OF ENGINE AIR COOLING SYSTEMFREQUENCY METER - TM-9-4940-421-140048Figure 4-11. Controls and instruments, removal and installation.Section XV. MAINTENANCE OF PNEUMATIC EQUIPMENTFigure 4-13. Air compressor and drive motor assembly, remove and installationFigure 4-14. Air compressor pressure switch adjustment.Section XVI. MAINTENANCE OF ENGINE EXHAUST SYSTEMSection XVII. MAINTENANCE OF GENERATOR-WELDERGENERATOR HOUSING COVER.END COVER HOUSING.AUXILIARY GENERATOR BRUSHESSection XVIII. MAINTENANCE OF SHOP BODY COMPONENTSFUEL TANK FILLER TUBE.TAILLIGHT AND STOPLIGHT.CLEARANCE LIGHTS. - TM-9-4940-421-140061INTERVEHICLE RECEPTACLE.Figure 4-28. Rear bumper, removal and installation.Chapter 5. DIRECT SUPPORT AND GENERAL SUPPORT MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSSection Ill. REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION OF MAJOR COMPONENTS AND ASSEMBLIESFigure 5-1. Engine, control panel, and generator-welder, removal and installation.Figure 5-2. Shop set body, removal and installation.Chapter 6. REPAIR OF ENGINEFUEL PUMP. - TM-9-4940-421-140069Section III. ENGINE DISASSEMBLYFigure 6-3. Flywheel, removal and installation,MANIFOLD ASSEMBLY.CYLINDER HEAD.VALVES.VALVE-SEAT INSERT.Figure 6-8. Oil pan, removal and installation.Figure 6-9. Gear cover, removal and installation.Figure 6-11. Oil pump, exploded view.Figure 6-12. Timing-gear train..CONNECTING RODS AND PISTONS.Figure 6-14. Crankshaft, piston and connecting rod, exploded view.CRANKSHAFT AND CAMSHAFT.Figure 6-15. Crankshaft, removal and installation.Figure 6-16. Camshaft removal and installation.Installation of the Cylinder Block.Chapter 7. REPAIR OF ENGINE STARTERChapter 8. REPAIR OF GENERATOR-WELDERChapter 9. REPAIR OF PNEUMATIC EQUIPMENTAIR COMPRESSOR DRIVE MOTOR.Appendix A. REFERENCES - TM-9-4940-421-140090Appendix B. BASIC ISSUE ITEMSAppendix C. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHARTSection II. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART - TM-9-4940-421-140093Section II. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART - continued - TM-9-4940-421-140094Section II. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART - continued - TM-9-4940-421-140095Section II. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART - continued - TM-9-4940-421-140096Not applicable - TM-9-4940-421-140097Appendix D. EXPENDABLE CONSUMABLE MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES AND MATERIALSAppendix E. CONTENTS OF SHOP SETCONTENTS OF SHOP SETCONTENTS OF SHOP SET - continued - TM-9-4940-421-140101CONTENTS OF SHOP SET - continued - TM-9-4940-421-140102TM-9-4940-421-14 Shop Equipment Contact Maintenance Truck Mounted (Southwest Model SECM) Serial No. Range SECM 1001 Thru SECM 2532 Manual