TM 9-4940-549-14&P
(26) Lift off the cam ring (10, figure 8-11). Check and record the
roller-to-roller dimension as instructed in the assembly proce-
dures. This dimension should be 1.9640
O.005 inches. Remove
Do not handle rotor shank.
(27) Remove governor weight retainer snap ring (4, figure 8-11)
with snap ring pliers.
(28) The flexible retaining ring (6, figure 8-11) should be replaced
whenever the pump is disassembled. Insert the snap ring pliers,
in the closed position, under rivets. Spread the pliers while
applying pressure in an upward direction. A slight twisting
motion will snap the ring off the rivet. Repeat the process
until the retaining ring is free from all rivets. Discard the
retaining ring.
Cleaning, Inspection, and Repair.
(1) Inspect all springs, bores, grooves, and seal seats for wear,
breakage, or damage. Repair or replace as necessary.
(2) Carefully inspect transfer pump blades for chipping on any
edges, pittinq, imbedding foreign particles, or wear on the
rounded ends. Visually check flat surfaces for scores. Deter-
mine blade wear by measuring the length (O. 538 inches minimum).
Do not handle the rotor shank. Do not
force the plungers into their bore.
(3) While holding the rotor under fuel, insert the plungers into
their bore. With thumb and forefinger over the guide slots,
tilt the rotor from side to side several times to insure complete
freedom of movement of the plungers. Interchanging or rever-
sing their individual positions may be necessary, as these are
mated parts. Replace defective parts. If plungers are not
visibly damaged, clean them with a soft brush and a lacquer
removing solvent such as lacquer thinner or acetone.
(4) Examine the radii of the rotor, which is contacted by the leaf
springs, and the weight retainer for wear. Check all slots,
charging and discharge parts of the hydraulic head for chip-
ping or erosion of edges. Check the rotor shank for scratches.