TM 9-4940-549-14&P
(1) Remove oil pickup screen (4).
Remove pressure relief valve (6), lockwashers (7) and seal (3).
Discard seal.
(3) Using a suitable puller, remove gear (8).
(4) Remove screws (9 and 11) and lockwashers (10) to remove cover
plate (12).
(5) Remove driven gear (15).
(6) Withdraw drive gear (14) and drive shaft (16) as a unit.
(7) Press shaft (18) from pump body (19).
(1) Clean all parts in cleaning solvent and dry thoroughly.
(2) Check gear (8) for chipped or broken teeth, excessive wear,
or other damage.
(3) Inspect cover plate (12) for cracks and warpage. Check inner
face for deep wear marks or scores from contact with gears.
(4) Inspect gears (14 and 15) for chipped or broken teeth, exces-
sive wear, or other damage.
(5) Inspect shafts (16 and 18) for cracks, scores, and deep wear
patterns. Check that shaft (16) rotates freely in pump body.
Check that gear (14) rotates freely on shaft (18).
(6) Inspect pump body (19) for cracks, breaks, and other damage.
Check gear bores for rub marks from contact with pumping
(7) Check all threads for crossing, stripping, or peening.
(8) Inspect screen (4) for rips, tears, breaks, and clogging.
(9) Repair minor thread damage with a thread chaser.
(10) Remove minor nicks and burrs with crocus cloth and oil. Clean
the part in dry cleaning solvent and dry thoroughly with fil-
tered compressed air.
(11) Replace any parts worn or damaged beyond repair.