(c) Set indicator pointer to "zero" position.
(d) Slowly rotate camshaft one complete revolution while observ-
ing dial indicator.
(e) Runout shall not exceed 0.0040 inch total indicator reading.
(f) Repeat the check for each bearing journal.
If runout of any bearing exceeds limit specified total (step 6 (e)
above), replace camshaft and bearings.
Perform magnetic particle inspection on camshaft and drive gear
in accordance with established procedures.
Check all threads for crossing, stripping, and peening. Repair
minor thread damage using a thread chaser.
Measure and record diameter of camshaft bearings in cylinder
block. Subtract camshaft bearing journals dimensions from the
corresponding bearing inner diameter. The difference shall not
be less than 0.0015 inch or greater than 0.0035 inch.
If dimension obtained in step (8) indicates excessive wear, re-
place camshaft bearings as follows:
(a) Using a suitable press, remove camshaft bearings from
cylinder block.
Make sure that the replacement bearings
are installed so that oil holes match
with oil ports in cylinder block.
(b) Press replacement bearings into cylinder block.
(1) Assemble camshaft in reverse order of removal procedures.
Valve tappets must be in the UP posi-
tion to install camshaft.