TB 9-3470-201-30
Sets AN/MJQ-15 and 18 may
result in a safety hazard to
a. The instructions contained in this
personnel and may damage
bulletin are to be used as advice and
guidance for installation of shop equipment,
machine shop, field maintenance (NSN 3470-
00-754-0738) in one M146 semitrailer shop
Do not drill holes through
cross members or into frame
b. Slight variations to the instal-
of semitrailer. If necessary,
lation instructions may be made at the
move the item to be mounted
discretion of the officer in charge.
slightly so that drilled
holes will avoid these
c. Complete lists of items contained
in this shop are found in SC 3470-95-CL-A15.
Special care should be exer-
d. Personnel performing this instal-
cised to avoid damage to
lation should have a practical knowledge
electrical. collectors, wiring,
or electrical equipment.
e. Items not mentioned in this bul-
To preserve its waterproof
letin, that may be components of this
characteristics, precautions
shop, may be stowed in storage cabinets
should be taken not to
and drawers or secured in such a manner
puncture the outer skin when
as to avoid damage in transit.
walls or floor of the shop.
f. All dimensions, fastener sizes,
Coat underside of semi-
and hardware sizes are in inches.
trailer body with coating
g. When entering shop, curbside is
520) where mounting hardware
at right and roadside is at left.
projects through floor.
Location of Equipment
the semitrailer for transportation only
and is to be removed before operation.
a. Location of equipment installed
or stowed in shop van is shown in
Warnings and Cautions
All electrically-powered
required for installation.
tools and equipment must be
grounded prior to use. Mount
all electrically-powered
ponents to be mourted.
machinery to the chassis
of the vehicle as a safety
precaution against electrical
trical components to be mounted.
shock to the operator.
conversion chart.
break during use. Wear