TB 9-4940-321-30
(7) Position pipe threading set (5180-00-357-
7514) against front right corner wall in accordance with
33) and eight 5/16-in. lockwashers (MS35338-45).
figure 23. Secure to
wall, using a
92-in. retaining strap
(5) Fabricate table top (11021200) in
accordance with figure 32. Position table top on top of
(8) Remove contents of first aid kit (6545-00-
two previously installed storage cabinets in accordance
922-1200). Mark and drill three 0.22-in. diameter holes
with figure 25. Position two support angles (11021208)
in back of first aid kit. Position in location shown in
on top of table top and against the wall in accordance
figure 25 over installed blind rivet nuts in
accordance with
figure 26. Secure first aid kit to
wall, using three #10 x
holes are on table top surface and positioned over
1/2-in. countersunk head machine screws (MS35190-
installed blind rivet nuts in accordance with figure 26.
271). Install contents of first aid kit.
Secure support angles (11021208) to right wall, using six
5/16x 7/8-in. hex head capscrews (MS90725-33) and six
(9) Position MGDS attachment (3460-00-840-
5/16-in. lockwashers (MS35338-45). Using table top
1010) against rear right corner wall in accordance with
and support angles as templates, mark and drill eight
0.34in. diameter holes through storage cabinet and table
retaining straps (7550588-7) linked together.
top. Secure support angles to table top, using four 5/16x
2-1/4-in. hex head capscrews (MS9072541), four 5/16-
(10) Position wash pan (4940-00795-3595) on
in. flat washers (MS2718311), four 5/16-in. lockwashers
shelf (11021201) in accordance with figure 25. Position
(MS3533845), and four 5/16-in. hex nuts (MS519675).
Secure table top to storage cabinets, using four 5/16x 1-
3/4-in. countersunk head machine screws (MS35190-
bottom of wash pan. Secure to shelf using two 48-in.
retaining straps (7550588-3), one of which will pass
5/16-in. hex nuts (MS51967-5).
through safety can handle.
(11) Position upright drilling machine (3413-00-
165-4136) on table top in accordance with figure 23.
Be sure storage cabinet drawers
Using base of upright drilling machine as a template,
adjacent to hole locations are
mark and drill three 0.41-in. diameter holes through table
removed before drilling.
and storage cabinet tops. Secure to table top, using
three 3/8x 2-1/4-in. hex head capscrews (MS90725-67),
(6) Fabricate shelf (11021201) in accordance
three 3/8in. flat washers (MS27183-13), three 3/8-in.
Position shelf between two storage
lockwashers (MS35338-46), and three 3/8-in. hex nuts
Using shelf
mounting holes as a template, mark and drill four 0.34-in.
diameter holes in storage cabinet side walls. Secure
(12) Position machine table vise (3460-00-277-
shelf to storage cabinets, using four 5/16x 3/4-in. hex
3504) on upright drilling
head capscrews (MS90725-32), four 5/16-in.
washers (MS27183-11), four 5/16-in. lockwashers
(MS35338-45), and four 5/16-in. hex nuts (MS51967-5).