TM 1-4920-500-13&P
0030 00
3. At electrical connector end of ECU power cable (1), pull ECU power cable (1) through fixed roof beam (2).
When ECU power cable (1) has been pulled completely out of fixed roof beam (2), there should be an
adequate amount of twine/rope left at circuit breaker box end to allow for pulling rope back through with new
ECU power cable (1) attached.
4. After old ECU power cable (1) has been pulled through, remove twine/rope and attach to new ECU power
cable (1).
5. At circuit breaker box end, pull twine/rope through fixed roof beam until correct amount of ECU power cable
(1) is extending beyond end of fixed roof beam (2). (A second person at cargo door end guiding and feeding
cable into fixed roof beam (2) will make this procedure easier).
6. Remove twine/rope.
7. Pull ECU power cable (1) through box connector and tighten compression nut after ECU power cable (1) has
been positioned with length (approximately 36 inches) of wire.
8. Attach ECU power cable (1) wires to circuit breaker with neutral and ground wires to corresponding terminal
9. Replace circuit breaker panel board and cover onto circuit breaker box.
10. Move main circuit breaker to the ON position.
0030 00-5