The weight display provides the following special messages for your information:
The processor is still busy processing other information and will not accept other functions at this time.
The balance was switched off with the ON/OFF function and is now in the STANDBY mode.
The balance was separated from line power (fresh power connection, power failure).
The calibration function has been called.
Use the ON/OFF button (7) for switching on or off. You can also switch on with the tare bar (11).
After connection to line power, only the weight display will go off whenever you switch the balance off. The electronic
circuits remain power-supplied (STANDBY). This feature provides for instant operability the moment you switch on,
without having to wait for warmup.
After power-on, there is an automatic test of all electronic functions. Successful completion of the test is signaled by
0.0000 g in the weight display.
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