Section l.
outs on illustrations indicate the preferred mainte-
nance sequence.
a. These instructions are published for the use
d. Report all deficiencies in this manual on DA
of the personnel to whom the Southwest Model
Form 2028. Submit recommendations for changes,
SECM and Davey Model CMU-5 Shop Equip-
additions, or deletions to the Commanding Officer,
ment is issued. They provide information on the
U.S. Army Mobility Support Center, A T T N :
operation and organizational maintenance of the
S M O M S - M M , P.O. Box 119, Columbus, Ohio
equipment. Also included are descriptions of main
43216. Direct communication is authorized.
units and their functions in relationship to other
e. Report all equipment improvement recommen-
dations as prescribed by TM 38750.
2. Record and Report Forms
maintenance allocation chart. Appendix III con-
a. DA Form 2258 (Depreservation Guide of
tains the basic issue items and maintenance and
Engineer Equipment).
operating supplies authorized the operator of this
b. For other record and report forms applicable to
equipment. The organizational maintenance repair
the operator and organizational maintenance, refer
parts and special tool lists are listed in TM 5-4940-
to TM 38-750.
Note. Applicable forms, excluding Standard Form 46 which
c, Numbers in parentheses on illustrations indicate
is carried by the operator, will be kept in a canvas bag
quantity. Numbers preceding nomenclature call-
mounted on the equipment.
nating current generator, as an are welding machine,
and as a battery charger.
The Southwest Shop Set Model SECM, serial
No. S-3-628 through S-3-720, (figs. 1 and 2) and
Davey Shop Set Model CMU-5, serial Nos. 33343
a. General. Table I lists in alphabetical sequence,
through 33343234, consists of eight compartments.
the tools and equipment of the shop set, their
They are mounted on a modified 4 by 4 truck chassis.
location as indicated in figure 3, logistic responsi-
The compartments provide storage space for all
bility, and quantity. Do not add equipment to
tools and equipment, powered and nonpowered.
that listed for this shop set and do not change loading
The shop set is provided with a generator-welder
location from that shown in table 1. When the
which furnishes 110, 220-volt, single-phase alter-
mission is known and additional personnel, parts, or
nating current, 220-volt, 3-phase alternating cur-
equipment must be transported, remove the com-
rent, and 200 amperes, 40-volt direct current for
parable weight in parts, equipment, or components
welding, The generator-welder can be driven by
that are not required to fulfill the mission. Adjust or
the trunk engine through the intergrated power
locate all additional parts or equipment, when
takeoff or by connecting to a 220-volt, 3-phase,
practical, in the same compartment or vicinity from
external power source. The generator-welder can
which parts or components were removed.
be used as a source of starting current, as an :dter-
TACO 5672-A