Section IV.
19. Stopping Generator-Welder, Electric Drive
a. Refer to
figure 13 and
stop the gcnerator-
a. The instructions in this section are published
for the information and guidance of the personnel
b. Perform the daily preventive maintenance
responsible for the shop set.
b. The operator must know how to perform every
operation of which the shop set is capable. This
section gives instructions on starting and stopping
20. Operation of
the shop set and on coordinating the basics motions
a. General. The gcnerator-weldler, by means of
to perform the specific task for which the equipment
proper switching and controls, (can) be used as an arc
is designed. Since nearly every job presents a
weldcr or a remote controlled are welder, as a battery
diffcrcnt problem, the operator may have to vary
charger, as all alternating current generator, and as
given procedures to fit the individual job.
a source of starting cur-rent, for internal combustion
Warning: Do not connect an external power
source or operate the generator-welder until it has
b. As Arc Welder. Refer to figure 14 for operation
been properly grounded. Electrical faults in the
generator-welder, load lines, or equipment can
c. As Remote Controlled Are Welder. Refer to
cause death by electrocution from contact with an
figure 15 for operating instructions.
ungrounded system.
d. As a Battery Charger. Refer to figure 16 for
operating instructions.
16. Starting Generator-Welder, Power Take-
Caution: When charging on HI-RATE watch
off Drive
for excessive battery gassing and heating. Should
a. Preparation for Starting.
this occur, switch to LO-RATE immediately.
(1) Perform the daily preventive maintenance
c. As an Alternating Current Generator. Refer to
(2) Lubricate the shop set as specified in the
j. As A S o u r c e of Starting Current. Refer to
current lubrication order.
b. Starting.Refer to figure 10 and start the gen-
21. Operation in Extreme Cold (Below OF.)
17. Starting Generator-Welder, Electric Drive
a. Truck and Chassis. Refer to TM 9-8030 for
extreme cold weather operation.
a. Preparation for Starting.
b. Gcn~rator-Ji'elder.
When operating the gen-
(1) Perform the daily preventive maintenance
erator-welder (power takeoff drive) in extremely
cold temperatures, allow for a warmup period until
(2) Lubricate the shop set as specified in the
the engine reaches normal operating temperature
current lubrication order.
before applying the load to the arc welder.
b. Starling. Refer to figure 11 and start the gen-
c. Wiring.
Insulation may become brittle in
extremely cold temperatures. Do not bend the
Caution: Observe direction of rotation of gen-
wiring, as the insulation will crack and cause short
erator-welder when starting with electric drive.
circuits or grounds. Keep the wiring dry at all
Correct rotation is counterclockwise when viewed
from nondrive end. Interchanging any two power
d. Lubrication. Refer to the current lubrication
input leads will change direction of rotation. Power
for cold weather operation.
takeoff clutch must be disengaged.
22. Operation in Extreme Heat
18. Stopping Generator-Welder, Power Take-
off Drive
a. Lubrication. Refer to the current lubrication
order for lubrication in extreme heat and lubricate
a. Refer to
figure 12 and
stop the
b. Fuel and Cooling System. Refer to TM 98030
b. Perform the daily preventive maintenance
for maintenance and operation in extreme heat.
TAGO 5672-A