c. Installation. Refer to
figure 29 and install the
power takeoff access door and guard to the truck
The power takeoff is an integrated component of
the shop set. Through its use, the motive power for
the operation of the generator-welder is furnished
59. Power Takeoff Linkage
by the engine. The power takeoff is operated by
a. Removal.
means of a declutcher lever which, by the use of
(1) Remove the power takeoff access door and
linkage and a shifting arm, engages or disengages the
gears of the power takeoff.
57. Declutcher Lever and Linkage
takeoff linkage from the Model SECM
shop set body.
a. Removal. Refer to
figure 27 and remove the
declutcher lever and linkage from the truck body.
takeoff linkage from the Model CMU-5
b. Cleaning and Inspection.
shop set body.
(1) Clean all parts with an approved cleaning
solvent and dry thoroughly.
b. Cleaning and Inspection.
(2) Inspect the declutcher lever and linkage
(1) Clean all parts with an approved cleaning
for cracks, breaks, and worn or missing
solvent and dry thoroughly.
hardware. Replace a damaged or defective
(2) Inspect the linkage components for cracks,
d e c l u t c h e r lever and linkage, Replace
breaks, or other damage. Replace defective
worn or missing mounting hardware.
c. Installation. Refer to figure 27 and instal the
(3) Inspect the threaded parts of the linkage
declutcher lever and linkage to the truck body.
for worn or damaged threads, Rechase
d. Adjustment. Refer to
figure 28 and adjust the
damaged threads or replace damaged parts.
declutcher lever linkage.
c. Installation.
58. Power Takeoff Access
Door and Guard
takeoff linkage on the Model SECM shop
a. Removal. Refer to figure 29 and rcmove the
set body.
power takeoff access door and guard from the truck
takeoff linkage on the Model CMU--5
b. Cleaning and Inspection.
shop set body.
(1) Clean the power takeoff access door and
(3) Install the power takeoff access door and
guard with all approved cleaning solvent
and dry thoroughly.
(2) Inspect the guard for cracks, breaks, or
60. Power Takeoff Clutch Adjustment
other damage.
Refer to figure 32 and adjust the power takeoff
(3) Inspect the mounting hardware for worn or
damaged threads. Replace as necessary.
TAGO 5672-A