TM 55-4920-213-15
e. Replace. To substitute serviceability as-
1. Purpose
semblies, subassemblies, and parts for unserv-
The purpose of this maintenance allocation
iceable components.
chart is to provide all activities with a descrip-
f. Repair. To restore to a serviceable condi-
tion of maintenance functions to be performed
tion by replacing unserviceable parts or by any
at each echelon of maintenance.
other action required, utilizing tools, equipment,
and skills available, to include welding, grind-
2. Definitions of Terms
ing, riveting, straightening, adjusting, etc.
a. Service. To clean, to preserve, and to re-
g. Rebuild. To restore to a condition com-
parable to new by disassembling the item to
b. Adjust. To regulate periodically to pre-
determine the condition of each of its compo-
vent malfunctions.
nent parts and reassembling it using service-
c. Inspect. To verify serviceability and to
able, rebuilt, or new assemblies, subassemblies,
detect incipient electrical or mechanical fail-
and parts.
ure by scrutiny.
d. Test. To verify serviceability and to de-
h. Minor Disassembly. This disassembly
tect incipient electrical or mechanical failure by
where only subassemblies are removed, not en-
use of special equipment such as gages, meters,
tire system, and replacement does not require
Maintenanc e Allocation Chart