TM 55-4920-217-15
1. Publication Indexes
Department of the Army Pamphlets of the 310-series should be consulted frequently for the latest changes or
revisions of references given in this appendix and new publications relating to the material covered in this manual.
2. Technical Manuals (Applicable to Van M447 )
TM 9-2330-238-14
Operators, organizational and field maintenance manual: Chassis, semi-trailer: 6-ton, 4-
wheel, M295A1 (2330-649-8124) and semi-trailer, van: shop, folding sides, 6-ton, 4-
wheel, M447 (2330-542-5709).
3. Army Regulations
AR 700-38
Unsatisfactory equipment report.
AR 700-58
Report of damaged improper shipment.
AR 750-6
Maintenance planning, allocation and coordination.
AR-385-1 Series
Army safety policy.
4. Supply Manuals
SM 55-4-4920-S42 Shop Set, Aircraft Maintenance, Semitrailer Mounted, C-8, Instrument Shop (FSN 4290-621-2046).
5. Indexes and Forms
DA Pam 310-1
Index of Administrative Publications.
DA Pam 310-2
Index of Blank Forms.
DA Pam 310-4
Index of Technical Manuals, Technical Bulletins, Supply Bulletins, Lubrication Orders,
and Modification Work Orders.
DA Pam 310-22
Index of Supply Manuals Transportation Corps.
DA Form 460
Preventive Maintenance Roster.
DA Form 468
Unsatisfactory Equipment Report.
DD Form 6
Report of Damaged or Improper Shipment.
DD Form 314
Preventive Maintenance Schedule and Record.