TM 55-4920-402-13&P
4-1. preparation for Maintenance. Ensure that a 28 vdc
and a 120 vat, 60 Hz power source is available for the test
equipment listed in table 1-3.
4-2. Preparation for Storage. Use the following proce-
dure when preparing the VIBREX for storage:
a. Place the Tester, Accelerometers, Magnetic Pickups,
Brackets, and Cables in the top compartment of the
Carrying Case (fig. 1-l).
b. Place the Balancer, Strobex, and Gram Scale in their
Section II. THEORY
4-4. Functional Theory of Operation. Before perfoming
the checkout and analysis, the following simplified block
diagrams and functional descriptions should be understood.
Extreme care should be exercised when
using the VIBREX test set. This unit
contains delicate electronic com-
ponents and assemblies which may be
easily damaged if subjected to physical
abuse due to improper handling.
4-5. Balancer section of Balancer. The electronics for
the Balancer (fig. 4-1 and FO-1) are contained on the
Balancer Circuit Card Assembly C4146.
a. Basically, the Balancer consists of two tuneable
narrow band filters. With the VERIFY TUNE button re-
leased, the filters are connected in such a manner that
they result in a single stagger-tuned filter centered at the
frequency (RPM) determined by the RANGE switch and
RPM TUNE dial. When the VERIFY TUNE button is
pushed, it switches the filters from broad band (released)
to narrow band (pressed). If the filter is not properly
tuned, a large difference in phase shift through the filter
is indicated as a sharp change in clock angle. When the
filter is properly tuned, there is no phase shift and no
clock angle change.
b. Inputs A and B from the Accelerometers are con-
netted to operational amplifiers U107A and U110A, res-
pectively. The operational amplifiers are a constant-
current source to the t wo-st age isolation amplifier in the
Accelerometer. The output of U107A is applied to the A
input of FUNCTION switch S1201 and the output of
U110A is applied to the B input. The output of S1201
is applied to operational amplifier U107B that, in con-
junction with PUSH FOR SCALE 2 pushbutton S1203
and VERIFY TUNE pushbutton S1202, changes the gain
of the circuit to make the lPS meter read within scale.
proper compartments in the Carrying Case (fig. l-l).
c. Close Carrying Case.
4-3. Preparation for Shipment. Perform all steps in para-
graph 4-2 and the following:
a. Place Carrying Case in shipping container.
b. Record missing or damaged components on the
appropriate forms.
c. Return VIBREX through proper channels.
c. The output of U107B is applied to the first active
filter loop consisting of operational amplifiers U105,
U101A, U101B, U102A, and U102B. The filter is tuned
to resonance by RPM TUNE dial R1201A, and by C106
through C111 selected by RPM RANGE switch S 1204.
The output of the filter at U102B is applied to U103A
in the second active filter loop. This loop consists of U106,
U103A, U103B, and U104B. The filter is tuned to reso-
nance by RPM TUNE dial R1001B, and by C112 through
Cl17 selected by RPM RANGE switch S1204. The two
filters are stagger-tuned to broaden the pass-band to make
tuning less critical and less subject to small changes in the
input frequency. Disconnection of the two filters by
VERIFY TUNE pushbutton S 1202 removes the stagger-
tuned effect and narrows the pass-band to provide fine
d. The output of the second filter is from U104A to
operational amplifier U108B, whose output is rectified
by a full wave bridge rectifier to drive IPS meter M1201.
The output of U104A is also combined with the output
of U106, via U108A, to produce a negative-going command
at the output of U109B for each positive-going zero cros-
sing of the filter output signal at U104A.
e. The output of U109B is differentiated and the nega-
tive spike triggers U109A, a monostable countdown cir-
cuit. U109A provides the positive sample command to the
Strobex and the Phazor circuits for phase indication. The
monostable countdown circuit, for command rates higher
than approximately 40 Hz, automatically divides that
rate by integer numbers so the output does not exceed
40 Hz.
Change 4
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