TM 9-243
TYPES AND USES - Continued
The tip of a cross-tip screwdriver is shaped like a cross
so that it fits into cross-tip screws. Cross-tip screws
have two slots which cross at the center. These
screwdrivers are made with four different sized tips.
Cross-tip screwdrivers also have different length blades
ranging from 1 inch to 8 inches.
Cross-point screwdrivers are similar to the cross-tip.
The cross-point slots meet at an exact right angle at
their intersection. These screwdrivers are issued in 3 to
8-inch sizes.
Clutch head screwdrivers are used to drive clutchbit
screws. These screws have recessed heads and are
commonly called butterfly or figure-eight screws. There
are two styles of clutch heads, old style and new style.
Offset screwdrivers are used to drive or remove screws
that cannot be lined up straight with common
screwdrivers, or are located in tight corners. Some
offset screwdrivers are made with two blades, one of a
different size at each end. Others are ratchet-type
offset, which are reversible for working in tight spots and
allow the screw to be driven without having to remove
the tip from the screw head. A double-tip offset
screwdriver has four blades.