TM 9-4940-547-14&P
Section 1.
This manual is intended as a guide for users of the
electronic repair shop set manufactured in accordance with ARRCOM
drawing 19204 - F13217E8200, revision B, dated 10 December 1980, and
loaded with tools and equipment in accordance with set components list
SC 4940-95-CL-B06 and SC 4940-95-CL-B06-HR, dated 31 October 1982.
The shop set is installed in a semitrailer, van, shop, folding
Refer to the M447C reference data sheets in regard to the
physical characteristics of the semitrailer and TM 9-2330-238-14&P for
operation and maintenance procedures and TM 9-2330-238-14&P for parts.
1-3. Warranty.
The shop set and semitrailer are warranted for a
period of one year from the date of manufacture. All warranty prob-
lems should be referred to the manufacturer.
1-4. Maintenance Forms and Record,
Equipment maintenance forms and
procedures for their use are contained in DA PAM 738-750 as contained
in Maintenance Management Update.
1-5. Administrative Storage.
For information necessary to meet
administrative storage requirements refer to TM 740-90-1.
Equipment Serviceability Criteria (ESC). There are no equipment
serviceability criteria (ESC) technical manuals in existence pertinent
to the end item of equipment being covered in this publication.
1-7. Destruction of Army Material to Prevent Enemy Use.
For proce-
dures required to render this end item unusable by the enemy refer to
TM 750-244-3.
Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QA/QC).
Refer to MIL-STD-109 and MIL-M-38784 for QA/QC terms and defin-
itions .
Refer to TM 9-2330-238-14&P and DMWR 9-4940-451 for the appli-
cable QA/QC requirements.
Reporting Quality Deficiency Reports (QDR). QDRs will be pre-
Instructions for prepar-
pared on SF 368, Quality Deficiency Report.
ing QDRs are provided in DA PAM 738-750 as contained in Maintenance
Management Update. QDRs should be mailed directly to: Commander, US
Army Armament, Munitions and Chemical Command, ATTN: DRSMC-MAO (R),
Rock Island, IL 61299. A reply will be furnished directly to you.