TM 9-4940-549-14&P
Cleaning, Inspection, and Repair.
Do not use dry cleaning solvent to
clean electrical parts.
Clean all metal non-electrical parts in an approved solvent and
dry thoroughly with filtered compressed air.
When cleaning field coils, use extreme
care to avoid damaging protective insu-
Clean field coils with a clean, lint-free cloth lightly moistened
with an approved solvent and dry thoroughly with filtered corn-
pressed air.
Remove loose particles from armature with filtered compressed
air and wipe clean with a cloth lightly moistened with an ap-
proved solvent. Clean commutator lightly with No. 100 grit sand-
compressed air.
Clean non-metallic washers, insulators, and seats with a clean,
lint-free cloth lightly moistened with an approved solvent.
Do not allow solvent to contact brushes.
Clean brushes with a clean, lint-free cloth.
Inspect housings and frames for cracks, corrosion, and
distortion. Replace defective parts.
Inspect bushings for wear, galling, and scoring. Replace de-
fective parts.
Test armature for grounding as follows:
(a) Connect one lead of a test light to the armature core.
(b) Touch the other test lead to each commutator riser.
(c) If test light glows, armature is grounded and must be re-