Do not disconnect service hose until service
hose line has been bled of all air pressure.
Open service line drain valve, located on
the source furnishing the breathable air.
To charge scuba tanks (see Figure 4-4)
Connect yoke adaptor (21) to scuba tanks.
Be sure scuba manifold bleed valve (18) is
Open manifold shut-off valve (10)
Adjust regulator (12) to desired pressure.
Open scuba manifold servicing valve (14)
and scuba charging valve (19)
Open valve on scuba tank, charge scuba
tank to desired pressure using the manifold
pressure gauge (16) as an indicator
Close scuba tank charging valve (19)
Close valve on scuba tank.
Do NOT disconnect yoke adaptor (21) from
scuba tank until flex hose (20) has been bled
of all pressure
Bleed flex hose (20) pressure at yoke
adaptor (21) bleed screw before removing
the yoke adaptor (21) from the scuba tank
OXYGEN half of Type II control panel (Figure 4-
Attach a source ,of breathable oxygen to
the recharge connection (30) on the oxygen
control panel
Close manifold shut-off valve (31), open
oxygen cylinders (22) to be charged and
place cam lever valve (26) in the up
position. Open recharge valve (29)
Service oxygen cylinders (22) to maximum
2265 psi for oxygen Type II gas cylinders
Close recharge valve (29)
Do NOT disconnect oxygen service hose until
the service hose line has been bled of all
Open service line drain valve located on the
source furnishing the oxygen
To charge scuba tanks (see Figure 4-4)
Connect yoke adaptor (42) to receiving tank
Be sure scuba manifold bleed valve (39) is
Open manifold shut-off valve (31)
Adjust regulator (33) to desired setting
Open scuba manifold service valve (35)
and scuba charging valve (40)
(6) Open valve on receiving tank, charge
receiving tank to desired pressure using the
Close scuba tank charging valve (40)
Close valve on receiving tank
Do NOT disconnect yoke adaptor (42) from
receiving tank until flex hose (41) has been
bleed of all pressure
To bleed flex hose (41), close manifold
service valve (35), open charging valve
(40), open manifold bleed valve (39)
Pressure gauge (37) should be watched to
help determine when pressure has been
removed from the flex hose (41).
(10) Remove yoke adaptor (42)from receiving