Remove shock (19, Figure 7-1) top mounting hardware, (locknut, spacers, washers and 5/8-11 bolt). Unscrew
and remove bottom shock mounting hardware (1/2 locknut, washers, shock (19) from the axle shock mounting
post (20, Figure 7-9).
Unscrew and remove sway bar (18, Figure 7-1) mounting hardware. Remove sway bar (18) with brackets (16)
and bushing (17). Brackets (16) and bushing(17) need not be removed from the sway bar.
Unscrew and separate the parking brake pull cable (18) from the pull rods. Unscrew and remove brake cable
from the axle beam mounting post.
On the curb side wheel, the hubodometer (4) is attached to cap (3) with Its mounting nut (4). Do not
remove the hubodometer (4) from the cap unless it is necessary to do so.
Place a drip pan underneath wheel oil filled wet hub, unscrew and remove the socket head screws (1) from the
cap ring (2). Carefully remove cap (3) and cap ring (2) as a unit, remove cap gasket (5).
Remove cotter pin (6), Spindle nut (7) and spindle washer (8). Remove outer cup (9) and outer bearing (10).
Oil seal (12) will generally come off when the hub (11) is pulled from the axle. It Is recommended that the
oil seal (12) be replaced with a new seal (12) if the oil seal was removed.
Pull hub (11) with oil seal (12), inner bearing (1 3) and Inner cup (14) from the axle. Remove oil seal (12) Inner
bearing (13) and Inner cup (14) from hub (11).
Unscrew and remove nuts (15), lockwashers (16) and bolts (17) used to mount the right and left hand brake
assemblies (18) to the axle beam assembly (23).
Using suitable support, hold the axle assembly (21, Figure 7- 1) stationary. Remove mounting hardware holding
the front of each spring (21, Figure 7-9) to the front spring hanger. Remove cotter pins from the rear hold down
pins at each of the rear spring shackles.
Remove the rear pins form the rear Spring Shackles. Lower axle with springs, and move to a suitable work site.
Unscrew and remove locknut (19), tieplate with stud (20). springs (21) and u-bolts (22) from theaxle beam
assembly (23).
Cleaning. Refer to paragraph 6-2. b. for general cleaning procedures.
Inspection. Refer to paragraph 6-2.c. for general inspection procedures
Repair or Replacement. Refer to paragraph 6-2.d. for general repair or replacement procedures.
Assembly. To assemble the trailer unit axle assembly, proceed as follows