If hubodometer (4) has been removed from the curbside cap (3), place cap ring (3) over cap (2), insert
hubodometer (4) mounting stud through cap (2) and secure the hubodometer to cap with mounting nut (4). Attach
cap ring (3) to hub (11) using mounting screws(1).
Attach parking brake cable to brake cable mounting post on the axle beam assembly (23) with the cable mounting
nut. Attach the brake cable (18) to the parking brake pull rod (3, Figure 7-12), using coupler (2). Do not tighten
jam nuts (1) against coupler (2) until after parking brake is adjusted.
Insert shock (19, Figure 7-1) top mounting bolt with washer through top shock grommet. Place 5/8"X long spacer
over mounting bolt. Insert mounting bolt through hole In crossmember into 5/8"X 1 1/2"spacer. At the same time,
align shock (19) bottom mount with mounting stud on spring plate and install shock. Secure shock (19) top
mounting bolt with 5/8 locknut. Add 1/2" washer to bottom mount and secure with 1/2" locknut.
Position swaybar (18, Figure 7-1) with brackets (16) and bushings (17) and attach to the swaybar mounting
brackets with securing hardware.
Position tires (14, Figure 7-1) and rims (15) over mounting studs and secure with lugnuts.
Using an adequate lifting device, remove supports from underneath trailer frame.
Position towbar jack in the down position and secure, before lifting device is removed.
PARKING BRAKE LEVER AND CROSS-SHAFT ASSEMBLY (See Figure 7-12): The following paragraphs
contain disassembly, cleaning, inspection, repair or replacement and assembly Instructions for the trailer unit parking
brake lever and cross-shaft.
a. Disassembly. Disassemble the parking brake lever and cross-shaft assembly only to the extent necessary to repair or
replace a defective part or parts.
Make certain that the towbar jack assembly is pinned and m a stable condition, and that the trailer wheels
are chocked.
Release parking brake lever (25, Figure 7-1) to the off position. Unscrew jam nuts (1, Figure 7-12) from coupler
(2) Unscrew and remove parking brake cable (18, Figure 7-9) from coupler (2, Figure 7-12).
When mounting hardware is removed from the parking brake and cross-shaft assembly (7.Figure 7-12).
parking brake lever and cross-shaft assembly will fall.
Using proper support, remove parking brake lever and cross-shaft assembly (7) mounting hardware from the lever
mount and pillow block.
Remove pull rod (3) from clevis (4), remove nuts (1) and coupler (2) from rod (3). Remove cotter pin (5) from
clevis pin (6) and remove clevis pin (6) from clevis (5) and lever (7)
The lever arms and handle of the parking brake lever and cross-shaft assembly (7) are attached to the cross-shaft
with 5/16 roll pin, do not remove unless repair or replacement is required.
Cleaning. Refer to paragraph 6-2. b for general cleaning procedures.