Table 5-4. Troubleshooting - Continued
Compressor Output Pres-
1. Unload control pressure switch out
1. Adjust the unload control pressure
sure gauge indication
of adjustment or faulty
switch or replace if faulty. Refer to
higher than 3200 psi
Operational Checkout, Section V.
(22,048 kPa) while
compressor is in load
2. Accumulated condensate not being
2. Place compressor unloader switch
disposed of fast enough or often
to unload position. Unloading
should occur at least once every 90
minutes. If not, refer to probable
cause No. 3.
3. Clogged orifice of continuous bleed
3. Clean orifices of bleed valves, and
screws in the strainers.
4. Obstruction in air cooler tubing
4. Remove the tubing and clean thor-
oughly to remove obstruction.
5. Compressor output pressure gauge
5. Replace faulty gauge.
indicating improperly.
Compressor Output Pres-
1. Leaking compressor lines
1. Tighten connections as necessary.
sure gauge indication is
Replace any tube or hose line leak-
less than 3200 psi
ing, or
any fitting not seating
(22,048 kPa) when corn-
pressor is loaded, or com-
pressor does not deliver
2. Safety valves on air cooler not
2. Replace a leaking safety valve.
enough air
working properly.
3. Valve in air compressor cylinder
3. Replace defective valve assembly.
head leaking or not working properly.
4. Automatic drain valve leaking
4. Remove and clean drain tubing,
replace if necessary. If the tubing is
satisfactory check the adjustment
on the pressure switch.
5. Air leaking from mechanical filter
5. Tighten the filter head assembly.
6. Air leaking from dehydrators
6. Tighten the dehydrator cap assem-
Cyls 1 and 2, (19, 22, Figure 8-2)
7. Air leaking from air purification cylin- 7. Tighten the air purifier cap assem-
ders (3, 4, 5, 23, 24, 25, Figure 8-2)
8. Air leaking from ten-micron air
8. Tighten filter bowl.
9. Air leaking past a compressor cylin-
9. Replace the cylinder head gasket.
der head gasket.
Tighten cylinder head cap screws
to correct torque value (Table 5-6).
10.Piston rings worn
Replace defective piston rings.
13.Air Compressor
For Troubleshooting procedures, probable cause and remedies on Davey
Compressor high pressure air ends, refer to Table 2-1, Test Stand, High Pressure
Air End.