Table 5-4. Troubleshooting
1. Engine fails to start, or starts
1. Insufficient fuel supply
1. Refer to Table 6-1 and fill tank with
then stops.
appropriate fuel. If fuel tank has suf-
ficient fuel supply check for kinked
hoses/lines, proceed to probable
cause 2.
2. Fuel filter clogged
2. Refer to FUEL FILTER (Section V)
clean and change fuel filter. If fuel
filter is not clogged, proceed to
probable cause 3.
3. Wire lead from 15 (Figure 7-2) dis-
3. Connect wire lead to solenoid If lead
connected from fuel solenoid valve
is connected to solenoid, proceed to
probable cause 4. Check to see if
wire has current.
4. Throttle control cable retainer screw
4. Tighten screw in cable stop. If screw
loose at speed control lever cable is
tight, refer to probable cause 5.
5. Fuel transfer pump malfunctioning
5. Refer to INSPECTION (Section V)
and perform fuel transfer pump tests.
If pump is operating properly proceed
to probable cause 6.
6. Fuel injection pump malfunctioning
6. Refer to REPAIR (Section V) and
perform fuel injection pump tests.
If pump is operating properly, proceed
to probable cause 7.
7. Fuel injector is malfunctioning.
7. Refer to REPAIR (Section V) and
perform fuel injector test. If injector/s
are operating properly, proceed to
probable cause 8.
8. Engine out of time
8. Refer to REPAIR (Section V) and
time engine. Timing will not change
unless shin pack under pump is dos-
9. Air in fuel system
9. Check for loose lines and damaged
sealing washers.
2. Engine is hard to turn
1. Wrong grade lubricating oil
1. Refer to Table 5-3 and fill within correct
oil. If engine is still hard to turn, refer
to probable cause 2.
2. Tappet clearance incorrect
V), check and adjust tappet clearance.
If tappet clearance is correct, refer to
probable cause 3.