in order of preference, an underground metallic
(4) Inspect the generator-welder for loose or
water piping system, a driven metal rod, or a buried
missing parts, dents, breaks, or other
metal plate. A ground rod must have a minimum
diameter of 5/8 inch if solid or 3/4 inch if pipe, and be
(5) Inspect the power takeoff for damage and
driven to a minimum depth of 8 feet. A ground
loose or missing external components.
plate must have a minimum area of 9 square feet
(6) Correct all deficiencies noted or report to
and be buried at a minimum depth of 4 feet. The
field maintenance.
ground lead must be No. 6 AWG (American Wire
b. Servicing.
Gage) copper wire and be bolted or clamped to the
(1) Perform the daily preventive maintenance
rod, plate, or piping system. Connect the other
end of the ground lead to the truck frame on Model
(2) Lubricate the shop set in accordance with
SECM shop sets. On Model CMU-5 shop sets,
the current lubrication order.
connect the other end of the ground lead to the
(3) Refer to TM 9-8030 for truck servicing.
ground terminal stud, located on the lower right hand
corner of the generator-welder control panel.
10. Installation or
Setting-Up instructions
Do not connect an external power
a. Shop Set Contents. Install all shop set contents
source or operate the generator-welder until it has
in their respective locations and secure with hold-
been properly grounded. Electrical faults in the
down straps and clamps. Refer to table I.
generator-welder, load lines, or equipment can cause
death by electrocution from contact with an un-
b. Grounding. The generator-welder must be
grounded system.
grounded prior to operation. The ground can be,
g. The shop set may be moved for intermediate
11. Dismantling for Movement
distances on its own power.
a. Be sure the declutcher lever is securely locked
h. Do not add equipment to that listed for this
in the NEUTRAL position.
shop set and do not change loading from that shown
in table I. When the mission is known and addi-
b. Disconnect all welding cables and stow securely
tional personnel, parts, or equipment must be trans-
in the proper compartment.
ported, remove the comparable weight in parts,
c. Secure all portable accessories in proper location
equipment, or components that are not required to
with holddown straps.
fulfill the mission. Locate the additional parts or
equipment, when pratical, in the same compartment
d. Make certain all compartments are securely
from which parts or components were removed.
latched and locked.
e. Make certain that the generator-welder is
12. Reinstallation After Movement
For setting-up instructions of the shop set after
f. Close the tailgate and secure the rear doors.
14. Controls and Instruments
a. Model SECM. Refer to
figure 8 for
This section describes, locates, illustrates, and
furnishes the operator and organizational mainte-
readings or positions of the controls and instruments
nance personnel sufficient information about the
of Model SECM shop set.
various controls and instruments for proper opera-
b. Model CMU-5. Refer to figure 9 for normal
tion of the shop set and its components. The con-
readings or position of the controls and instruments
trols and instruments pertaining to the truck chassis
are covered in TM 9-8030.
of Model CMU5 shop set.
TAGO 5672-A