I n s p e c t the wire l e a d s for frayed or
Replace damaged
damaged insulation.
The electric brake lock switch, located on the
leads and make certain that all connec-
truck dashboard, the slave rcceptaclc and field rheo-
tions are clean and tight.
stat connectors, located on the control panel, and the
(3) Inspect the switch for cracks, breaks, or
1 lo-volt receptacle and overspeed relay assembly
other damagc. Replace a damaged or
(Model SECM) located on the street side of the shop
defective switch.
set, are needed for the proper operation of the
(4) Inspect the hardware for worn or damaged
electrical components of the shop set. On Model
threads. Replace as necessary.
CMU-5 the overspeed relay resistor and switches
c. Installalion.
are located on the interior of the generator-welder
(1) Refer to figure 41 and install the electric
housing and an additional 110-volt rcccptacle is
brake switch on the Model SECM truck
mounted on the upper right front of the truck body.
control panel.
68. Electric BrakeLock Switch
(2) Refer to figure 42 and install the electric
a. Removal.
brakc switch on the Model CMU-5 truck
( 1 ) Refer to
figure 41 and remove the
control panel.
brake lock switch from the Model SECM
truck control panel.
a. Removal.
(1) Refer to
figure 43 and remove the
receptacle from the street side of the shop
set body.
(2) Removc the 110-volt recepticle mounted
on the upper right front of Model CMU-5
shop set body in a similar manncr.
b. Cleaning and Inspection,
(1) Clean the parts with a cloth dampened with
a n approved cleaning solvcnt and dry
(2) Inspect the receptacle and cover plate for
cracks, breaks, or other damage. Replace
a damaged part.
(3) Inspect the receptacle for damaged hard-
w a r e and loose electrical connections.
R e p l a c e all damaged hardware. Makc
certain that all electrical connections are
clean and secure.
c. Installation.
(1) Refer to figure 43 and install the 110-volt
receptacle to the street side of the shop set
(2) Install the 110-volt receptacle, mounted on
Electric brake lock switch, Model SECM, removal
the upper right front of Model CMU5
and instillation.
shop set body in a similar manner.
brake lock switch from the Model CMU-5
70. Slave Receptacle and Slave Cable As-
truck control panel.
b. Cleaning and Inspection.
(1) Clean the parts with a cloth dampened with
a. Removal. Refer to
figure 44 and remove the
an approved cleaning solvent and dry
slave receptacle and slave cable assembly from the
control panel.
TAGO 5672-A