Figure 47. Field rheostat receptacles, removal and installation.
(2) Inspect the field rheostat assembly and
damage. Replace as necessary.
welder control panel and the field rheostat.
c. Installation.
b. Cleaning and Inspection.
rheostat assembly and receptacles to the
(1) Clean the field rheostat assembly and re-
generator-welder c o n t r o l panel and the
ceptacles with a cloth dampened with an
field rheostat.
approved cleaning solvent and dry with a
clean, dry cloth.
75. Lifting Eye and
Generator-Welder Top
The generator-welder is a self-contained machine
powered by a synchronous-type electric motor.
a. Removal.
Operating power may be furnished either by the
(1) Refer to figure 49 and remove the lifting
truck engine by means of an integrated power takeoff
or from a 220-volt, 3-phase outside current source.
74. Generator-Welder V-Belts Adjustment
a t o r - w e l d e r top cover and lifting eye
Refer to figure 48 and adjust the generator-welder
(Model CMU-5).
TAGO 5672-A