(3) Inspect all hardware for worn or damaged
77. End Wrappers, Shaft Guard, and End
threads. Replace as neccessary.
c. Installation.
a. Removal.
(1) Refer to figure 53 and install the Model
SECM end cover, shaft guard, and end
(2) Refer to figure 53 and remove the end
wrappers to the generator-welder
wrappers, shaft guard, and end cover from
(2) Refer to figure 53 and install the Model
the generator-welder (Model SECM).
CMU-5 end cover and end wrappers to the
(3) Refer to figure 53 and remove the Model
generator-welder in a similar manner.
CMIJ5 end wrappers and end cover in a
similar manner.
b. Cleaning and Inspection.
78. Capacitor Mounting Ring
(1) Clean all parts with an approved cleaning
a. Removal.
solvent and dry thoroughly.
(1) Remove the end wrapper, shaft guard,
(2) Inspect the end wrappers, shaft guard, and
and end cover (par. 77).
end cover for cracks, breaks, and broken
welds. Weld all cracks or breaks. Re-
(3) Refer to figure 54 and remove the capacitor
place a defective end wrapper, shaft guard,
mounting ring from the generator-welder.
or end cover.
b, Cleaning and Inspection,
(1) Clean all parts with an approved solvent
and dry thoroughly.
(2) Inspect the capacitor mounting ring for
dents, cracks, or other damage. Weld all
cracks or breaks, straighten d e n t s , o r
replace a defective capacitor mounting ring.
(3) Inspect all hardware for worn or damaged
threads. Replace as necessary.
c. Installation.
(1) Refer to figure 54 and install the capacitor
mounting ring to the generator-welder.
(3) Install the end cover, shaft guard, and end
wrappers (par. 77).
79. Generator-Welder Brushes
a. Removal.
(1) Remove the end wrappers (par. 77).
(2) Refer to figure 55 and remove the gener-
b. Cleaning and Inspection.
(1) Remove dirt and dust from the brushes
and brush holders with low pressure, com
pressed air.
(2) Inspect the brushes for breaks, nicks, or
damage to the commutator wearing sur-
faces. Replace the exciter brushes if worm
brushes if worn to less than 7/8 inch.
(3) Clean and polish the commutator, refer
to TM 5764.
(4) Inspect mounting hardware for worn or
damaged threads. Replace as necessary.
Figure 64. Capacitor mounting ring, removal and installation.
TAGO 5672-A