EMC 4940-200-12/491
Hinge moulding, seal, and clearance reflector,
Figure 61.
Figure 60. Fire extinguisher back-et, Model SECM, removal
removal and installation.
and installation.
c. Installation, Refer to
figure 61 and install the
c. Installation.
hinge moulding and seal to the door of the body shop.
extinguisher bracket to the Model SECM
shop set body.
(2) Refer to figure 60 and in like manner install
a. Removal. Refer to
figure 61 and remove the
the fire extinguisher bracket to the floor-
clearance reflector from the shop set body.
board of the cab on Model CMU-5 shop
b. Cleaning and Inspection.
(1) Clean all parts with an approved cleaning
(3) Install the fire extinguisher.
solvent and dry thoroughly.
88. Hinge Moulding and Seal
cracks, and cracked or broken glass. Re-
a. Removal. Refer to
figure 61 and remove the
place cracked or broken glass and replace a
hinge moulding and seal from the door of the shop
damaged reflector.
set body.
(3) Inspect mounting hardware for worn or
b. Cleaning and Inspection.
damaged threads. Replace as necessary.
(1) C l e a n all metal parts in an approved
c. Installation.
cleaning solvent and dry thoroughly.
clearance reflector on the door of the shop set body.
(2) Inspect hinge moulding for dents, cracks,
R e p l a c e damaged
or o t h e r damage.
90. Fuel Access Door
a. Removal. Refer to
figure 62 and remove the
(3) Inspect mounting hardware for worn or
fuel access door from the shop set body.
damagcd threads. Replace as necessary.
TAGO 5672-A