Index of Technical Manuals, Technical Bulletins, Supply Manuals (types 4, 6, 7, 8,
DA Pam 310-4
and 9) Supply Bulletins, Lubrication Orders, and Modification Work Orders.
Index of Graphic Training Aids and Devices.
DA Pam 310-5
Index of Supply Manuals-Corps of Engineers.
DA Pam 310-25
TM 11-483
9. Shipment and Limited Storage
Limited Storage of Corps of Engineer Mechanical Equipment.
AR 743-505
Preservation, Packaging, and Packing of Military Supplies and Equipment.
TM 38-230
10. Supply Publications
Petroleum, Petroleum-Base Products, and Related Materiel.
TM 5-4940-200-20P Organizational Maintenance Repair Parts and Special Tool Lists.
Shop Equipment, Contact Maintenance, Truck Mounted: Set NO. 3 (Southwest
Model SECM) Serial No. S-3-628 through S-3-720, and (Davey Model CM U- 5)
Serial NO. 33343 through 33343-234, FSN 4940-294-9518.
11. Training Aids
FM 5-25
Military Training.
FM 215
Techniques of Military Instruction.
FM 21-6
Military Symbols.
FM 21-30