When capture or abandonment of the shop set to
an enemy is imminent, the responsible unit com-
a. Demolition By Explosives. Refer to
figure 88
mander must make the decision either to destroy the
and place as many of the following charges as the
situation permits. Detonate these charges simul-
equipment or to render it inoperative. Based on this
decision, orders are issued which cover the desired
t a n e o u s l y with detonating cord and a suitable
extent of destruction, Whatever method of demoli-
(1) Two -pound charges against block under
tion is employed, it is essential to destroy the same
vital parts of all shop sets and all corresponding
welder assembly,
(3) One -pound charge on prover takeoff.
125. Demolition To Render the Equipment
(4) One -pound charge inside control panel.
(5) One -pound charge behind each front
a. Demolition By Mechanical Means. Use sledge
hammers, crowbars, picks, axes, and other heavy
(6) One -pound charge behind each rear
tools which may be available to destory the following:
(1) Engine and governor.
b. Demolition By Weapons Fire. Fire on the shop
(2) Generator-welder.
set with the heaviest weapons available.
(3) Generator-welder control panel.
(4) Power takeoff.
127. Other Demolition Methods
(5) Engine overspeed relay.
a. Scattering and Concealment. Remove all easily
(6) Battery-charging resistor.
accessible vital parts such as the remote control
rheostat, brushes, tool sets, and power tools and
(8) Sander, electric drill, and testing instruments.
scatter them through dense foliage, bury them in
(9) A 11 accessories and handtools.
dirt or sand, or throw them in a lake, stream, or
(l0) Engine block, cylinder head, and clutch
other body of water.
b. Burning. Pack rags, clothing, or canvas under
Note. The above steps are minimum require-
and around the major components. Saturate this
ments for this method.
,packing with gasoline, oil, or diesel fuel and ignite.
b. Demolition By Misuse.
c. Submersion. Submerge the shop set in a body
of water to provide water damage and concealment,
(1) Start the
generator-welder and other power
tools and jam mechanisms so that the
Salt water will do the greater damage to metal parts.
motors will burn out.
(2) Cut all electrical leads on the control panel.
All operators should receive thorough training in
Cut all cables and air, fuel, hydraulic, and
the destruction of the shop set. Refer to FM 525.
lubrication lines.
Simulated destruction, using all of the methods listed
Note. The above steps are minimum require-
above, should be included in the operator training
ment for this method.
TACO 5672-A