131. Preparation of
Equipment for Storage
m. Basic Issue Items. Refer to paragraph 1290. _
a. General. Detailed instructions for preserving
and maintaining equipment in limited storage are
o. Weatherproofing. When suitable shelter is not
outlined in this paragraph. Limited storage is
available, select a firm, level, well-drained storage
defined as storage not to exceed 6 months. Refer to
location, protected from prevailing winds. Position
AR 743-505.
the equipment on heavy planking or other solid
surfaces. Block the equipment in a manner to
remove all weight from the tires. Cover the equip-
ment with a paulin or other suitable waterproof
covering and tie down securely.
132. Inspection and Maintenance- of Equip-
ment in storage
h. Fuel Tank, Mobile. Tanks will be drained or
a. Inspection and Maintenance.
Perform the
oil, conforming to Specification MIL-L-21260.
preventive maintenance services every 90 days to
i. Air Cleaner. Service air cleaner and seal all
make sure that the shop set is mechanically sound.
openings that will permit the direct entry of water
All deficiencies and shortages or short comings will be
with pressure-sensitive tape conforming to type 111,
recorded on DA Form 2404 together with corrective
class 1 of Specification PPPT60.
action taken.
b. Exercising. At time of inspection and mainte-
nance, operate shop set long enough to bring it up to
k. Pneumatic Tires. Pneumatic tires standing in
operating temperature and insure complete lubrica-
storage under load will be inflated to the proper
pressure. When the equipment is blocked and all
weight is removed from the tires, deflate tires to
period, the shop set will be preserved as outlined in
two-thirds normal tire pressure.
TAGO 5672-A