TM 5-4940-200-35
Type of wire..................Round copper magnet wire,
Dipping compounds ......Varnish, Type AN, Grade
plain, enamel covered.
CB, MIL-V-1137A.
Insulating materials ......Field insulation (2 rqr).
Dipping and baking
Field insulation, 3 3/4 in.
procedures. ................First, dip 3 min, drain 10
Ig (long) (2 rqr). Pole
min, bake 1 1/2 hr.
piece wrapping (4 rqr).
Second, dip 3 min, drain
Procedures...................One dip, drain 10 min. bake
10 min, bake 4 hr. All
baking temperatures
1 1/2 hr at 320F.
320 F.
Fungus treatment .........Spray with MIL-V-173
Fungus treatment ..........Spray with MIL-V-173
varnish after baking.
Interpoles or commutating poles:
Number of coils ............4
Turns per coil ...............16
Number of coils ............33
Turns per layer .............1
Number of coils
Wire size......................1/6 x Y2 in.
per slot. ....................3
Type of wire .................Bare, soft-drawn strip
Number of slots ...........33
copper (round edge).
Turns per coil 1.............
Coil connection ............Series
Coil pitch .....................1 to 9
Insulating materials .......Interpole coil separator (115
Commutator pitch - .......1 to 50
rqr), 1/2 in. cotton loom
Number of
(15 in. rqr).
commutator bars. ........99
Dipping compounds ......Varnish, Type AN, Grade
Type of winding ............Wave
CB, MIL-V-1137A.
Insulating materials ......Core winding insulating (2
Dipping and baking
rqr). Core slot wedge, 1/2
procedures .................Dip in and out, drain 10
in. Ig (43 rqr). Cuffed
min, bake 1 hr at 320F.
core insulation (33 rqr).
Fungus treatment ..........Spray with MIL-V-173
Fiber disk, 6 in. (2 rqr).
Insulator flange, 4 5/16 in.
Generator-welder compound fields:
(2 rqr.) Insulating tube (1
Shunt section:
rqr). Supplementary mica
Turns per coil.............1,300
segment (as rqr). Com-
Turns per layer ...........Random wound
mutator insulator (1 rqr).
wire size ...................No. 19 AWG
Round commutator insu-
Type of wire ..............Round, copper magnet wire,
lator (2 rqr). Slipspring
plain enamel covered.
separator (3 rqr).
Series section:
Dipping compounds .....Varnish, Type AN, Grads
Compounds No. 1
CB, MIL-V-1137A.
and No. 2:
Dipping and baking
Turns per coil........5
procedures. ................First, dip 3 min, drain 10
Size of wire..........1/16 X 3/8 in.
min, bake 1 1/2 hr.
Type of wire.........Bare, copper strip and
Second, dip for 3 min,
double cotton covered.
drain 10 min, bake 4 hr.
Compounds No. 3
All baking temperatures
and No. 4:
Turns per coil.......6
Fungus treatment .........Spray with MIL-V-173
Wire size ............3/32 x 3/8 in.
varnish after final baking.
Type of wire.........Double cotton-covered strip
Wire size .....................0.050 x 3/8 in.
Type of wire .................Bare, copper magnet wire
Compound No. 5:
Type of winding ............Wave
Number of turns ......11
Coil connection ............Clockwise 12 bars
Wire size................3/32 x 1/4 in.
Insulating material .........Between coils insulation (33
Type of wire............Double cotton-covered strip
rqr). Mica ring (2 rqr).
Mica segment (99 rqr).
Core wedge, 1 3/4 in. Ig
8 in. (2 rqr).