TM 55-4920-212-15
(3) Close drain when water or oil cease to
When external power supply is used,
drain from separator.
check connections before starting
(4) Adjust controls (fig. 5) to obtain an
operating pressure of 75 psi.
(5) Check connections for leaks, security of
Use compressed air only for the
fittings and condition.
purpose for which it is intended.
(6) Insert adapters attached pneumatic
Serious injury to personnel can
result from misuse.
d. The equipment comprising Shop Set, Aircraft
When an external power source is
Maintenance, Semitrailer Mounted, C-8, Flaw
utilized for pneumatic power, omit (1)
Detection, (par. 4), is now ready for operation.
e. It is essential that the operator(s) be completely
d. Water System.
familiar with the technical manual for the
(1) Check the valves, gages, drain, and pump
for proper setting before starting
14. Shutdown of Shop Set
(2) To operate system from auxiliary source,
a. Shutdown instructions for the units comprising
under pressure, close valves 1, 2, 4, 5,
Shop Set, Aircraft Maintenance, Semitrailer Mounted,
C-3, Flaw Detection (par 4), are contained in the
place water pump switch in OFF position.
technical manual issued for the individual items. It is
(3) To operate system from auxiliary source,
essential that the operator understand these instructions.
without pressure, close valves 1, 2, 4, 5,
b. Perform after-operation daily services (par. 32).
15. Operating Details
place pump switch in ON position.
a. General.
These instructions provide the
(4) To fill storage tank from outside source,
operator with necessary details for operation of the
equipment in the shop set.
b. Electrical System.
pump switch in ON position.
(1) Ascertain that circuit breakers in electrical
(5) To operate system from storage tank,
panel are in the ON position for circuits to be used.
(2) Check for loose connections, blown fuses,
pump switch in ON position.
tripped circuit breakers, and frayed wire covers.
(6) To drain system, open all valves; place
(8) Plug cords of equipment to be operated
water pump switch in OFF position.
16. Movement of Equipment
c. Pneumatic System.
a. Perform "at-halt" and "after-operation" daily
b. Install security locking bars on cabinets with
(2) Allow sufficient time for buildup of source
pressure in the tank, and drain the oil and water
c. Store all tools and equipment.
d. Secure tools or equipment too large for bin
The correct source pressure is 75 to
e. Store cable or hose in locations provided.
150 psi.