Chapter 1. INTRODUCTION - TM-55-4920-212-150007Section II. DESCRIPTION AND DATA - TM-55-4920-212-150008Tabulated data - TM-55-4920-212-150009Figure 1. Shop Set C-3, Flaw Detection.Figure 3. Instruction plate, Shop Set, C-3.Chapter 2. OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS (OPERATOR) - TM-55-4920-212-150012Section III. OPERATION UNDER USUAL CONDITIONS - TM-55-4920-212-150013 Shutdown of Shop SetSection IV. OPERATION OF ONE UNIT IN CONJUNCTION WITH ANOTHER OR AUXILIARYExtreme-Cold Weather OperationsOperation in Extreme-Hot Weather ConditionsChapter 3. MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS (OPERATOR) - TM-55-4920-212-150018Cleaning - TM-55-4920-212-150019Section IV. TROUBLESHOOTING - TM-55-4920-212-150020Pneumatic Equipment Stops During Operation - TM-55-4920-212-150021Section V. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM - TM-55-4920-212-150022Figure 7. Wiring diagram, Shop Set C-3.Section VI. PNEUMATIC SYSTEM - TM-55-4920-212-150024Figure 10. Air line layout, top view.Figure 11. Air line layout, side view.Figure 13. Air line layout, front view.Figure 14. Separator mounting bracket.Figure 15. Separator mounting rod.Figure 17. Air compressor tank installation, top view.Figure 18. Air compressor tank installation, end view.Section VII. WATER SYSTEM - TM-55-4920-212-150032Figure 20. Diagram, water lines installation.Figure 21. Water tank, end view.Figure 22. Water tank, side view.Section VIII. UTILITY SYSTEMFigure 25. Floor plan, Shop Set C-3 rear, view.Storage CabinetsChapter 4. SHIPMENT AND LIMITED STORAGE AND DEMOLITION TO PREVENT ENEMY USE (OPERATOR) - TM-55-4920-212-150039Section III. DEMOLITION TO PREVENT ENEMY USE - TM-55-4920-212-150040Destruction by Gunfire - TM-55-4920-212-150041Chapter 6. OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS (SECOND ECHELON)Section III. OPERATION UNDER USUAL CONDITIONS - TM-55-4920-212-150043Figure 29. Opening folding shop sides, step I.Shutdown of Shop Set - TM-55-4920-212-150045Section IV. OPERATION OF ONE UNIT IN CONJUNCTION WITH ANOTHER ACCESSORY OR AUXILIARY - TM-55-4920-212-150046Operation in Extreme Wet ClimateChapter 6. MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS (SECOND ECHELON) - TM-55-4920-212-150048Section IV. TROUBLESHOOTING - TM-55-4920-212-150049Water System Operates at Slow or Reduced speedSection VI. ELECTRICAL SYSTEMSection VIII. WATER SYSTEMChapter 7. SHIPMENT AND LIMITED STORAGE (SECOND ECHELON) - TM-55-4920-212-150053Section III. LIMITED STORAGE - TM-55-4920-212-150054Chapter 8. OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS (FIELD AND DEPOT MAINTENANCE) - TM-55-4920-212-150055Figure 35. Tiedown strap, continuous type.Figure 36. Strap, bolted type.Figure 37. Strap, riveted type.Figure 39. Strap, loop type.Figure 42. Mounting angle.Figure 44. Light holder bracket.Figure 45. Inspection plate mounting.Figure 46. Light holder steel bracket.Figure 47. Storage cabinet l/t-inch plywoodFigure 49. Modified hood frame.Figure 60. Hood frame mounting bracket.Figure 51. Magnetic inspection kit mounting plate.Figure 53. Magnetic inspection kit mounting bracket, side view.Figure 55. Can storage angle.Figure 56. Hose rack.Figure 57. Portable grinder storage bracket.Figure 58. Tank and seal adapter.Figure 59. Tank cover and baffles.Figure 60. Tank cover, side.Figure 62. Drain pipe bracket.Figure 63. "Tee" valve handle.Figure 64. Cabinet mounting, floor.Figure 65. Details, compressor mounting.Figure 66. Mounting plate, compressor tank.Section II. CONTROLS AND INSTRUMENTS - TM-55-4920-212-150080Chapter 9. MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS (FIELD AND DEPOT MAINTENANCE) - TM-55-4920-212-150081Electrical Equipment Stops During OperationSection V. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM - TM-55-4920-212-150083Section VII. WATER SYSTEM - TM-55-4920-212-150084Table II. Preventive Maintenance Services - TM-55-4920-212-150085Table II. Preventive Maintenance Services - continued - TM-55-4920-212-150086Appendix I. REFERENCES - TM-55-4920-212-150087Appendix II. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION - TM-55-4920-212-150088Maintenance Allocation Chart - TM-55-4920-212-150089TM-55-4920-212-15 Shop Set Aircraft Maintenance Semitrailer Mounted Set C-3 Flaw Detection Manual