TM 55-4920-212-15
personnel prevents destruction of all parts, priority is
67. General
given to the destruction of those parts most difficult to
replace. Equally important, the same essential parts must
a. Destruction of the shop set, when subject to capture or
be destroyed on all like material so that the enemy cannot
abandonment in a combat zone, will be undertaken by the
construct one complete unit from several damaged ones.
operator only when, in the judgment of the unit
commander concerned, such action is necessary in
e. If destruction is directed, due consideration
accordance with orders of, or policy established by, the
should be given to (1) and (2) below.
Army commander.
(1) Selection of a point of destruction that will cause
b. The information which follows is for guidance only.
greatest obstruction to enemy movement and
Certain of the procedures outlined require the use of
also prevent hazard to friendly troops from
explosives and incendiary grenades which normally may
not be authorized items for the using organization. The
occur incidental to the destruction.
issue of these and related materials, and the condition
(2) Observance of appropriate safety precautions.
under which destruction will be effected, are command
decisions in each case, according to the tactical situation.
68. Destruction by Burning
Of the several means of destructions, those most
generally applicable are-
a. Remove and empty portable fire extinguishers.
(1) Mechanical-Requires ax. pick, mattock, crowbar,
b. Using an ax, pick, mattock, sledge, or other heavy
or similar implement.
implement, smash all vital elements.
(2) Burning-Requires
c. Puncture fuel tanks as near the bottom as possible
collecting gasoline for use as outlined in d below.
d. Pour gasoline and oil in and over the entire equipment;
ignite by using a gasoline soaked rope for a fuse. If
(4) Gunfire-Includes artillery, machine-guns, rifles
gasoline and oil are not available, use incendiary
using rifle grenades, and launchers using antitank
grenades. Take cover.
Under some circumstances, hand
Warning: Due consideration should be given to the highly
grenades may be used.
flammable nature of gasoline and its vapor. Carelessness
in its use may result in painful burns.
c. In general, destruction of essential parts, followed
by burning will usually be sufficient to render the shop set
69. Destruction by Use of Explosives
useless. However, selection of the particular method of
destruction requires imagination and resourcefulness in
a. Remove and empty portable fire extinguishers.
the utilization of the facilities at hand under the existing
conditions. Time is usually critical.
b. Prepare four charges (1 charge=2 ea. 1 lb.
d. If destruction to prevent enemy use is resorted to,
blocks) of EXPLOSIVE, TNT. Place charges as in (1),
(2), (3), and (4) below.
the shop set must be so badly damaged that it cannot be
restored to a usable condition in the combat zone either
(1) Place one charge of explosive on the front of the
by repair or cannibalization.
Adequate destruction
shop on the platform forward of the storage
requires that all parts essential to the operation of the
material, including essential spare parts, be destroyed or
damaged beyond repair. However, when lack of time and