TM 55-4920-212-15
Warning: Keep the blasting caps, detonating cord,
(2) Place one charge of explosive between the axles
and safety fuze separated from the charges until
of the shop, at the approximate midpoint of the
required for use.
(3) Place one charge of explosive on the shop floor
c. Detonate the Charges. If primed with nonelectric
at the approximate center width of the shop and
approximately 4 feet from the forward wall.
blasting cap and safety fuze, ignite and take cover. If
primed with electric blasting cap, take cover before firing
(4) Place one charge of explosive on the shop floor
the charges.
at the approximate center width of the shop and
approximately 6 feet from the rear wall.
Warning: The danger zone is approximately 250
(5) Connect the four charges for simultaneous
yards; take cover without delay as an early explosion
detonation with detonating cord. Provide for dual
may result from incendiary fires.
priming to minimize the possibility of a misfire.
For priming, either a nonelectric blasting cap
70. Destruction by Gunfire
crimped to at least 6 feet of safety fuze (safety
fuze burns at the rate of 1 foot in 30 to 45
a. Remove and empty portable fire extinguishers.
seconds; test before using), or an electric blasting
cap and detonating cord may be used. If a
b. Destroy the shop set by gunfire using artillery,
nonelectric blasting cap and safety fuze are used,
machine-guns, rifles using rifle grenades, or launchers
the fuze should be sufficiently long and so-
using antitank rockets. Although one, well-placed direct
positioned that it may be ignited from outside the
hit may render the shop set temporarily useless, several
shop set. Safety fuze, which contains black
hits are usually required for complete destruction unless
powder, and nonelectric blasting caps must be
an intense fire is started in which case the shop set may
protected from moisture at all times. The safety
be considered destroyed.
fuze may be ignited by a fuze lighter or a match,
the electric blasting cap requires a blasting
Warning: Firing artillery at range of 500 yards or less
should be from cover.
Firing rifle grenades or
antitank rockets should be from cover.