TM 55-4920-212-15
7. Before Operation Service
6. General
When a new or used shop set is received by the
a. Lubrication. Lubricate equipment in accordance
operator, it is the responsibility of the operator to
determine whether the material has been properly
b. Fueling Instructions. Service equipment with
prepared for service by the supplying organization and
fuel specified in operational and maintenance manuals
to be sure it is in condition to perform its functions. For
of the specific item.
this purpose, inspect all assemblies and parts to be sure
they are properly assembled, secured, cleaned,
adjusted, and lubricated.
Serious damage to equipment can
assembly, location, and mounting details of equipment.
result when the wrong type fuel is
Make a record of any malfunctions.
Notify the
used in servicing equipment.
responsible maintenance echelon of deficiencies for
correction as quickly as possible.
8. General
This section describes, locates, illustrates and furnishes
Do not modify power receptacle or
the operator with sufficient information pertaining to the
electrical cable.
various controls or instruments provided for the proper
operation of the equipment. It is essential that the
10. Pneumatic Controls and Instruments
operator know how to perform every operation of which
Pneumatic controls and instruments are mounted as a
the equipment is capable of performing.
part of the airlines installation as illustrated in figure 5.
These controls and instruments include valves,
9. Electric Controls and Instruments
regulators, separators, gages, and check units. The air
An electric control panel is located at the right rear
line is installed starting at the left front of the bottom of
corner of the interior of the shop. This panel is equipped
the shop, passing through the floor to the regulators and
with circuit breakers and an identification list (fig. 4);
separators. The air line is divided into two sections after
additional circuits may be installed, when necessary, in
passing the separators, with one section continuing
the panel. A safety switch is mounted beneath the panel
down each side of the shop, along the ceiling. Two
on the incoming line. A layout (wiring diagram) of the
check unit couplings are mounted on each side and
control panel is shown in figure 7. An outside power
another one on the outside front at the bottom of the
receptacle is mounted on the right rear of the shop
incoming line.