TM 55-4920-212-15
Military Specification MIL-B-121, Grade A, in addition to
140. Inspection Before Storage
the normal storage procedures outlined in the technical
Make a complete inspection of the shop set to
manual for the item.
determine its condition. Deficiencies will be corrected
prior to placement of equipment in limited storage.
145. Moisture Proofing
Technical inspection will be performed on unboxed
a. Hang one humidity indicator, MS-2000S, inside
a window in such a manner as to be visible from the
141. Cleaning
Prior to application of any preservative or paint,
b. Place 213 units of desiccant, Military
thoroughly clean all surfaces. Scrub or wipe with a
Specification MIL-B-B464, inside the shop set.
clean bristle brush or cloth soaked in cleaning solvent.
When possible, subject the exterior surfaces of the shop
Caution: Do not place desiccant in
to a stream of steam-with or without added cleaning
contact with finished surfaces of
compound-followed by dry steam. Wire brush, buff,
tools or equipment.
sand, or scrape if steam is not available. Immediately
c. Close shop sides and rear doors.
after cleaning, dry with dry compressed air or by use of
a clean, dry, wiping cloth.
Caution: Sides and one door should
be closed and taped before desiccant
is removed from airtight containers
destructive to natural rubber and
and installed in van. It takes on
electrical insulation, and must not be
moisture rapidly.
used on these materials. Protect all
d. Seal all openings with tape, Federal
Specification PPP-T-60.
components from steam cleaning by
146. Inspection of Equipment In Limited Storage
sealing openings with pressure
sensitive tape, Federal Specification
When equipment has been placed in limited
PPP-T-60, or by disassembling and
storage, all scheduled preventive maintenance services,
including inspection will be suspended and preventive
protection cannot be otherwise
maintenance will be performed as specified herein.
Note. Vans should not be opened for
142. Complete Lubrication
entry unless humidity indicator
shows an unsafe condition. In that
event, tape seals should be checked
143. Preservative Application
for leakage, desiccant replaced, and
Coat precision machined surfaces with
doors resealed.
21260, Grade 2, or with preservative conforming to
Military Specification MIL-C6259, Type I, mixed with
a. Inspection Criteria. All equipment in limited
storage will be inspected for any unusual conditions,,
to three parts of lubricant.
such as damage, rusting, accumulation of water,
b. Work sheet and Preventive Maintenance. DA
When this equipment is stored outside or
Form 460 and DD Form 814, will be executed on each
otherwise subjected to rain or dust, it will be protected
major item or the equipment when equipment is initially
by covering with barrier material,
placed into limited storage and every 80 days thereafter.
Required maintenance will be performed promptly to
insure that equipment is mechanically sound and ready
for immediate use.