TM 55-4920-213-15
involving injury to personnel or damage to ma-
using DA Form 468, (Unsatisfactory Equip-
terial occur.
ment Report), or DD Form 6, (Report of Dam-
aged or Improper Shipment), as prescribed in
d. Report of Unsatisfactory or Damaged
Equipment or Materials. Any suggestions for
AR 700-58. Such suggestions are encouraged in
improvement in design and maintenance of
order that other organizations may benefit. Do
equipment and repair parts, safety and effi-
not report all failures that occur. Report only
ciency of operation, or pertaining to the ap-
repeated failures or unsatisfactory design or
material. However, reports will always be made
serving materials, or technical inaccuracies not-
when exceptionally costly equipment is involved.
ed in Department of the Army publications,
Refer also to AR 700-38 and the printed in-
will be reported as prescribed in AR 700-38,
structions on DA Form 468.
with a 5 cfm capacity at 175 psi. The
compressor and air storage tank are
a. General. Shop Set, Aircraft Maintenance,
mounted separately (figs. 9, 18, and
Semitrailer Mounted, C-4, Sheet Metal con-
sists of a semitrailer mounted van and neces-
sary tools and equipment for an Army aviation
the air storage tank, from the air stor-
field maintenance shop, operating in the field,
age tank to the oil and water separa-
performing the functions of a sheet metal facili-
tor and regulators, and from the reg-
ty. The shop set contains 3 systems; electrical,
ulators to the ceiling outlets. The
pneumatic, and utility.
pneumatic system controls and instru-
(1) Electrical system. Electric current is
supplied to the shop from an auxil-
This unit contains an oil and water
iary source by means of a power ca-
separator for collecting and draining
ble inserted in the external power re-
off accumulated oil and water, a source
ceptacle of the shop. The external
pressure gage, 2 regulators for main-
power receptacle feeds directly to the
taining a steady operating pressure, 2
safety disconnect switch which is pro-
operating pressure gages, check units,
vided to enable the operator to discon-
and valves to control or disconnect the
nect the power source from the in-
air pressure. An auxiliary air supply
terior of the shop. An electric panel
connection (fig. 13), is provided for
(fig. 4), is
mounted directly above
receiving air into the air storage tank
the safety disconnect switch. The con-
when the compressor is not in oper-
trol panel contains 14 thermal-mag-
tion and may also be used as a con-
netic circuit breakers which serve as
nection for supplying air pressure to
distribution centers for the current
the other shops when the compressor
supplied to the equipment of the shop
is operating.
(3) Utility system. The utility system con-
are provided to furnish current for
sists of 1 each, 1 3/4 x 30 x 21 inch
small, electrically operated tools.
maple bench top; 2 each 1 3/4 x 30
Heavier equipment such as the air
x 42 inch maple bench tops; 1 each,
1 3/4 x 30 x 84 inch, maple bench
heaters, are connected directly to the
top; 1 each, 33 x 28x 42 inch, 4 shelf
electric control panel.
storage cabinet; 1 each, 33 x 28 x 21
(2) Pneumatic system. The air compres-
inch, 10 drawer storage cabinet; and
3 each, 33 x 28 x 42 inch, 12 drawer