39. Electrical Equipment Will Not Start
35. Use of
Troubleshooting Section
Probable cause
Possible remedy
This section provides information useful in
Power cord of equipment
diagnosing and correcting unsatisfactory opera-
not plugged into recep-
tion or failure of the shop set or any of its
tacle. - - - - - - - - - - - - Insert plug of equipment
components. Each trouble symptom stated is
cord into receptacle.
followed by a list of probable causes of the
Circuit breakers in elec-
trouble. The possible remedy recommended is
trical panel in OFF
position - - - - - - - - - - - - - Reset circuit breakers to
described opposite the probable cause.
Safety disconnect switch
36. Procedure
open. - - - - - - - - -Close safety disconnect
To correct malfunctioning of equipment, the
No power from auxiliary
cause should be systematically isolated in ac-
power source - - - - - - - Notify personnel responsible
cordance with instructions in the following
for operation of auxiliary
power source.
paragraphs. If the correction of the malfunc-
Cause beyond maintenance
tion is beyond the scope of the operator's func-
scope of operator - - - - - - - Notify second maintenance
tions, refer the discrepancy to the proper
maintenance echelon for correction.
40. Pneumatic Equipment Operates
37. Electrical Equipment Operates
at Slow or Reduced Speed
at Slow or Reduced Speed
Probable cause
Possible remedy
Possible remedy
Probable cause
Air comgressor not opera-
Loose connectors- - - - -- - -Tighten connectors.
ting. - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- .Start air compressor; allow
One circuit breaker in
source pressure to reach
OFF position. (208-220
operational level; restart
volt equipment.) -- - - - - - - -- Return breaker to ON
Air pressure not properly
Cause beyond maintenance
regulated at water sepa-
scope of operator- - - - - - - - Notify second maintenance
r a t o r . - - - - - - .Adjust pressure regulator
to proper level (75 psi).
Loose connection at air
38. Electrical Equipment Stops
hose quick disconnect
During Operation
adapter.- - - - - - - - - - - - Reseat adapter,
Water in air. - - - - - - - - - - Drain water separator.
Probable cause
Possible remedy
Cause beyond maintenance
Power cord of equipment
scope of operator. - - - - Notify second maintenance
not properly plugged into
receptacle - - - - - - - - - - -Remove Flug from recepta-
cle and re-insert fully
41. Pneumatic Equipment Stops
into receptacle.
Equipment overheated - - - - - Reduce operating speed;
During Operation
allow equipment to cool
Possible remedy
and restart.
Probable cause
Circuit breaker tripped to
Air compressor stopped- - - - Restart air compressor.
OFF position.- - - - - - - - Reset circuit breaker to
Equipment overloaded - - - - - - Reduce feed, pressure, or
ON position; restart
speed as necessary.
Air line disconnected. - -- - - - Connect air line.
Cause beyond maintenance
Cause beyond maintenance
scope of operator.- - - - - - -Notify second maintenance
scope of operator. - - - - - Notify second maintenance