TM 55-4920-213-15
ing instructions for the auxiliary connections
purpose, and description of these auxiliary out-
are contained in this chapter.
structions in specific manuals on drain
ing and cleaning the systems and the
a. In addition to the operating procedures
application and checking of antifreeze
described for usual conditions, special instruc-
compounds to suit the anticipated con-
tions of a technical nature for operating and
servicing this equipment under unusual condi-
Caution: It is imperative that the
tions are contained or referred to herein. In ad-
approved practices and precautions be
dition to the normal preventive maintenance
followed. Refer to specific manuals ap-
service, special care in cleaning and lubrication
plicable to the equipment.
must be observed where extremes of tempera-
b. Fuels, Lubricants, and Antifreeze Com-
ture, humidity, and terrain conditions are pres-
pounds (Storage, Handling, and Use).
ent or anticipated. Proper cleaning, lubrication
(1) The operation of equipment at arctic
and storage and handling of fuels and lubri-
temperatures will depend to a great
cants not only insure proper operation and
extent upon the condition of the fuels,
functioning but also guard against excessive
lubricants, and antifreeze compounds
used in the equipment. Immediate ef-
fects of careless storage and handling
Caution: It is imperative that the approved
or improper use of these materials are
practices and precautions be followed. A detailed
not always apparent, but any deviation
study of the specific technical manuals is es-
from the proper procedures may cause
sential for use of this equipment under unusual
trouble when least expected.
b. When recurrent failure of equipment re-
with moisture is a source of many dif-
sults from subjection to extreme conditions, re-
ficulties. Moisture can be the result
port the condition on DA Form 468.
of snow getting into the product, con-
densation due to "breathing" of a par-
19. Extreme Cold
Weather Conditions
tially filled container, or moisture
condensed from warm air in a partial-
a. General Problems.
ly filled container when a product is
(1) Extensive preparation of equipment
brought outdoors from room tempera-
scheduled for operation in extreme
cold weather is necessary. Generally,
extreme cold will cause lubricants to
their usefulness is impaired.
congeal, freeze batteries or prevent
them from furnishing sufficient cur-
20. Extreme Cold Weather Operation
rent for coldweather starting, crack
insulation and cause electrical short
a. General.
circuits, prevent fuel from vaporizing
(1) The operator must always be on the
and properly combining with air to
alert for indications of the effects of
form a combustible mixture for start-
cold weather on the equipment.
ing, and will cause the various con-
(2) The operator must exercise caution
struction materials to become hard,
when placing the equipment in oper-
brittle, and easily damaged or broken.
ation after a shutdown. Thickened
(2) The cooling systems must be prepared
and protected for temperatures be-
Warm up motorized equipment thor-
low + 32 F., in accordance with in-
oughly before operating, check source