TM 55-4920-213-15
Section I. GENERAL
The methods outlined herein for shipment
This chapter furnishes the operator with suf-
and limited storage apply to the shop set as a
ficient information for preparation of the
unit. It is the responsibility of the operator to
equipment comprising Shop Set, Aircraft main-
become familiar with the technical manuals for
tenance, Semitrailer Mounted, C-4, Sheet Metal,
each item of equipment in order to adequately
for shipment and limited storage. Instructions
prepare the item of equipment for shipment
are also included for demolition of the shop set
and limited storage. The methods outlined for
to prevent enemy use.
demolition of equipment to prevent enemy use
are intended as a guide for the operator.
commanders or heads of Department of the
Army agencies. The responsibility for Trans-
The operator is responsible for the initial
portation Corps mechanical equipment stored
steps in preparing Shop Set, Aircraft Mainte-
under such authorization will remain with the
nance, Semitrailer Mounted C-4, Sheet Metal,
organization or activity to which issued. Equip-
for shipment. These responsibilities consist of
ment no longer required for accomplishment of
the following steps.
the assigned mission will be returned to stock.
a. Perform "at halt'' and "before operations"
When the shop set is placed in limited storage
it will be preserved as specified. Equipment
b. Place tools and equipment in storage bins
will not be blocked up and will be so spaced,
where practicable, to provide independent ac-
c. Install locking bars in cabinet drawers
cess to each item.
Note. When equipment is to be stored for 30 days
or less, clean and oil with light lubricating oil, Fed-
d. Secure equipment in open bins with web
eral Specification VV-0-526.
b. Operator Responsiblility. The operator of
e. Secure wall mounted tools with special
the equipment is responsible for certain phases
of preparation for limited storage; normally
f. Store cables and hose in storage boxes.
these responsibilities will coincide with those
uals for individual items of equipment (app.
I) provide the operator with the necessary in-
a. Geneal. A shop set which is temporarily
formation required to accomplish limited stor-
not in use will be placed in limited storage (not
age of the equipment.
to exceed 6 months) when authorized by major