73. Shutdown of Shop Set
a. Shutdown instructions for the units com-
prising Shop Set, Aircraft Maintenance, Semi-
railer Mounted, C-4, Sheet Metal, are con-
tained in the manuals issued for the individual
items (app. I). It is essential that the opera-
tor understand these instructions.
b. Disconnect external power source.
c. Close folding shop sides and rear doors
d. Remove and store entrance ladders (fig.
1 and TM 9-2330-238-14).
e. Check security of chocks.
74. Operating Details
a. General. These instructions provide sec-
ond echelon maintenance personnel with the
necessary details for operation of the equip-
ment comprising the shop set.
b. Electrical
(1) Inspect auxiliary power cords for
(3) Push top and bottom doors outward
breaks, security of connectors, and
at the same time (fig. 30).
frayed cover material.
Caution: Do not let doors fall free; assist-
ance from outside is necessary.
(2) Install auxiliary power cord from au-
(4) Install chain guard railing (fig. 31
xiliary power source to external pow-
and TM 9-2330-238-14)
er receptacle.