TM 55-4920-215-15
latest changes or revision of references given in this
1. Publication Indexes
appendix and new publications relating to the material
Department of the Army Pamphlets of the 310-series
covered in this manual.
2. Technical Manuals
TM 5-5260
Generator Set, electric portable, gasoline driven, skid mounted, 10 kw, 60
cycles, 120-208 volts, 3 phase, 4 wire, 120 volt, single phase, 2 wires,
120-240 volt, single phase, 3 wire, Hollingsworth Model CE-100 AC/
WK 4 (less engine).
TM 6-6116-204-
Operator's manual, generator set, gasoline driven 10 kw, ac, 120 v, 1 and
3 phase, 120/240 v, single phase, 120/208 v, 8 phase, 60 cycle, skid
mounted (John Renier model GGC-10-AC-2) w/Continental engine
model FS 162, spec. 6026, serial numbers 11115 through 12710, FSN
6115-504-0846; (John Renier model GGC-10-AC-3) w/Continental
engine model FS 162, spec. 6037, serial numbers 16590 through 17092,
FSN 6115-620-1257.
TM 5-6115-204-
Organizational maintenance: Generator set, gasoline engine, 10 kw, ac,
120 v, 1 and 8 phase, 120/240 v; single phase, 120/208 v, 8 phase 60
cycle; skid mounted (John Renier model GGC-10-AC-2) w/Continental
engine model FS 162, spec. 6026, serial numbers 1115 through 12710,
FSN 6115-504-0846; (John Reiner model GGC-10-AC-8) w/Continen.
tal engine model FS 162, spec. 6087, serial numbers 16590 through
17092, FSN 6115-620-1257.
TM 5-6115-204-
Field and depot maintenance manual: Generator set, gasoline engine: 10
kw, &a, 120 v, 1 and 8 phase 120/240 v, single phase, 120YI08 v, 8
phase, 60 cycle; skid mounted (John Renier model GGC-10-AC-2)
w/Continental engine model FS 162, spec. 6026 serial numbers 11115
through 12710) FSN 6116404-0846; (John Renier model GGC-10-AC-
8) w/Continental engine model FS 162, spec 6087, serial numbers 16590
through 17092) FSN 6115-620-1257.
TM 5-611'5-204-
Field and depot maintenance repair parts and special tool lists: Generator
set, gasoline engine: 10 kw, ac, 120 v, 1 and 8 phase, 120/240 v, single
phase, 120/208 v, 8 phase, 60 cycle, skid mounted (John Renier model
CGC-10-AC-2) w/continental engine model FS 162, spec 6026 serial
numbers 11115 through 12710 (FSN 61104-846) (John Renier
model GGC-10-AC-8) w/Continental engine model FS 162, spec. 6087
serial numbers 16590 through 17091 (FSC 6115-620-1257).
TM 5-6115-282-
Operator's Manual. Generator set, gasoline engine: 10 kw, ac, 120 v, 1 and
8 phase, 120/240 v, single phase, 120/208 v, 8 phase, 60 cycles; skid
mounted (Hol-Gar model CE-105-AC/WK8) w/Hercules engine model
IXB8ER (FSN 6115-681-6811).